2nd AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Rome, 2-4 Novembre, 2017
Lumsa University
2nd AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Rome, 2-4 Novembre 2017
Lumsa University
Following up on the success of the first edition, this second edition provided a fresh look on the major energy security issues offering an excellent occasion to continue the dialogue and to share best practice and experience with delegates from all over the world.
Situated near Castel Sant’Angelo and St. Peter’s Church, LUMSA is a public non-state Italian university, the second oldest university in Rome after Sapienza, founded in 1939. The university developed in the 1960s and 70s and in 1989 it grew into a multi -faculty institution, being one of the first Italian Universities to offer programs in Communication Science and Journalism. With around 6.000 students, LUMSA is a high profile internationally recognized academic institution.
The event was organized in 5 plenary sessions and 21 parallel sessions with more than 120 presentations
Thursday – November 2 , 2017
16:30-17:30 – Opening Welcome Address
Friday – November 3, 2017
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 1-4
1. The union of national energy markets
Chair: Sergio Ascari, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Italy
Influence of interconnections on market prices – Spanish case of study
Presenter: Cristina González Ventosa, Red Eléctrica de España, Spain>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Cristina González Ventosa, María Sonsoles Madejon Concejal Luis Villafruela Arranz, Ana Isabel Abril Pérez
Presenter: Ondrisek Thomas, University of Vienna, Austria>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Christian Spindler, Yuri Yegorov, Franz Wirl, Ondrisek Thomas
Critical analysis of the “new” Italian capacity remuneration mechanism
Presenter: Paolo Mastropietro, Institute for Research in Technology, Comillas Pontifical University, Spain>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Paolo Mastropietro, Fulvio Fontini, Pablo Rodilla, Carlos Batlle
Increasing interconnections in a small, open economy: a quantitative evaluation of its effects
Presenter: Danielle Devogelaer, Federal Planning Bureau, Benelux Association for Energy Economics, Belgium>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Danielle Devogelaer
2. Promoting or imposing energy efficiency?
Chair: Manfred Weissenbacher, University of Malta, Malta
Is energy efficiency efficient for the European market?
Presenter: Carlo Scarpa, Università di Brescia, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carlo Scarpa, Giovanna Landi
Using sticks or carrots to promote energy efficiency – how do individuals react?Results of an experimental investigation
Presenter: Roland Menges, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Roland Menges
Contracting the Gap: Empirical evidence on the role of energy performance contracting to promote investment in energy efficiency
Presenter: Ulrich Reiter, TEP Energy GmbH, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mehdi Farsi, Martin Jakob, Ulrich Reiter
3. Special session – Cognitive-based regulation for consumers empowerment
Chair: Nicoletta Rangone, LUMSA University, Italy
Curriculum in Management and sustainability. Master’s degree Management and Consulting LM77
Algorithmic regulation: the case of information disclosure
Presenter: Fabiana Di Porto, University of Salento, Italy
Feedback and efficient behavior
Presenter: Luigi Mittone, University of Trento, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
How to improve the functioning of electricity retail markets: push or pull?
Presenter: Clara Poletti, AEEGSI – Italian Energy Authority for Electricity, Gas and Water System>>> PRESENTATION
European Issues and trends of regulation
Presenter: Valeria Scorsoni, Energy expert, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Energy consumer empowerment in Italy
Presenter: Francesco Vetrò, University of Salento, Italy
4. Global assessment of energy security, efficiency and sustainability
Chair: Vittorio De Martino, AIEE, Italy
Evaluating the Implication of COP21 for Energy Security at Member State and EU Level
Presenter: Elena Stolyarova, Grenoble Applied Economics Lab, CNRS, France>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elena Stolyarova, Sandrine Mathy, Silavana Mima
The financial performance of firms under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
Presenter: Georgia Makridou, ESCP Europe Business School >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Georgia Makridou, Michael Doumpos, Kostas Andriosopoulos, Emilios Galariotis
Carbon tax, EU ETS versus charge on emissions
Presenter: Gianluca Carrino, LUMSA University >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Gianluca Carrino
10.30 -11.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
EU towards 2030
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, President of the Scientific Committee AIEE, Italy
Luca Bragoli, Head of International and Institutional Affairs ERG, Italy
Marco Falcone, Government Relations and Issues Manager, Esso Italiana, Exxon Mobil Group, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
Samuele Furfari, Adviser to the Director General of DG Energy at the European Commission
Regulation of energy markets
Chair: Alessandro Ortis, Honoray President of MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy Regulators), Past President of the Italian Authority – ARERA,
Giuseppe Gatti, President Energia Concorrente, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Jean-Michel Glachant, Director of the Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Pippo Ranci, Università Cattolica, Italy
11.40 -13.10 – concurrent sessions n. 5-8
5. The gas market: new perspectives?
Chair: Chair: Arnaldo Orlandini, ICEI, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
The current and future role of natural gas in China
Presenter: Alec Waterworth, Warwick Business School, UK >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alec Waterworth, Michael J. Bradshaw
The Economics of Gazprom’s gas export strategies to Europe
Presenter: Chi-Kong Chyong, EPRG, University of Cambridge, UK >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Chi-Kong Chyong
Pricing characteristics in the German diesel fuel market after the introduction of the market transparency scheme
Presenter: Sebastian Kreuz, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Sebastian Kreuz
Forecasting models for short and long term gas price
Presenter: Raffaele Troise, Enel, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Claudio Pregagnoli , Raffaele Troise, Claudio Dicembrino, Michele Frate
6 . Energy efficiency in buildings and industry
Chair: Spiros Papaefthimiou, Technical University of Crete, Grece
The longer term effects of home energy efficiency investments
Presenter: Daire McCoy, Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Daire McCoy, Antoine Dechezlepretre, Francois Cohen
Energy Efficiency in buildings: a simple but accurate way to perform calculations
Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Giuseppe Dell’Olio
Environmental and energy efficiency analysis of EU electricity industry: An almost spatial two stages DEA approach
Presenter: Maria Chiara D’Errico, University of Perugia, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Maria Chiara D’Errico e Paolo Polinori
7 . Special Session: Day-ahead, Intra-day and Balancing Markets
Chair: Angelica Gianfreda, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Unbalances and market rules in Italian wholesale electricity market
Presenter: Stefano Clo’, University of Milano, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Stefano Clo’, Angelica Gianfreda
Demand participation in electricity balancing markets
Presenter: Elena Fumagalli, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Bastian Westbrock, Elena Fumagalli
What drives balancing prices: the Italian case
Presenter: Lucia Parisio, DEMS -University Milano-Bicocca, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Angelica Gianfreda, Lucia Parisio e Matteo Pelagatti
Quantile merit order effects and network upgrades
Presenter: Alessandro Sapio, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Alessandro Sapio
Imbalances costs of small scale renewable not dispatchable power plants in the Italian electricity market
Presenter: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Nicola Sorrentino, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli
8 . Modeling the new environment
Chair: Cecilia Camporeale, Italian Ministry of Environment – A.T. Sogesid, Italy
IT-DAMEE: a regional application to assess the macro-effect of RDP fund in Emilia Romagna
Presenter: Cecilia Camporeale, Italian Ministry of Environment – A.T. Sogesid >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Roberto Del Ciello, Cecilia Camporeale
Assessing the role of innovative farming techniques to reduce energy consumption and carbon emission
Presenter: Nicola Colonna, ENEA, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Nicola Colonna, Stefano Lo Presti
A look at Energy Law: Legal challenges presented by new technologies
Presenter: Daria Capotorto, Agnoli e Giuggiolo Law Firm, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Daria Capotorto
13.00 -14.00 – Break
14.00 -15.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Economic instruments and transition pathways to a low-carbon economy in the industrial sectors
Chair: Gurkan Kumbaroglu, Bogazic University – Past President IAEE, Turkey
Sandro Neri, Coordinator of the Energy Commission FEDERMANAGER Rome, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Simone Mori, President Elettricità Futura, Italy
Corrado Papa, Commercial Manager, Adriatic LNG, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Salvatore Pinto, President of Axpo, Italy
Claudio Spinaci, President Unione Petrolifera, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Europe Roadmap to 2050 and the future strategies of the energy industry
Chair: Giovanni Ferri, Professor and Deputy Rector at LUMSA University
Kostas Andriosopoulos, Executive Director, Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM), Grece
Dario Di Santo, Managing Director Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency – FIRE, Italy
Leonardo D’Acquisto, Head Manager Institutional Relations, Italgas, Italy
Luigi Michi, Strategy and Development Manager Terna, Italy
15.30 -17.00 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 9-11
9 . Commodity Pricing
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
Asymmetric risk spillovers between oil and agricultural commodities
Presenter: Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Montpellier Business School, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad
Evaluation of oil & gas firms’ financial performance: cash flows vs. accounting earnings
Presenter: Bård Misund, University of Stavanger Business School, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Bård Misund
Natural Gas Market Prediction via Statistical and Neural Network Methods
Presenter: Mona Shokripour, Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF),Qatar >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Mona Shokripour
Financial instruments to mitigate the risk of climate change: rainfall and temperature
Presenter: Silvana Stefani, University Bicocca, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Silvana Stefani
10. Special Session: Energy and Industrial Competitiveness
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy
The environmental impact of photovoltaic panels imported from China compared to Germany in a central Mediterranean setting
Presenter: Manfred Weissenbacher, University of Malta, Malta
Authors: Manfred Weissenbacher, Stefan Montebello
Carbon pricing instruments for implementing the objectives of the Paris agreement
Presenter: Mario Iannotti Ministry of Environment, Land&Sea, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Mario Iannotti
The revision of EU climate energy policies in the context of the Paris Agreement
Presenter: Fabrizio Fabbri, European Parliament, Italy
Author: Fabrizio Fabbri
Industrial competitiveness from the legal perspective
Presenter: Daria Capotorto, Agnoli e Giuggiolo Law Firm, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Daria Capotorto
11. Strategic contribution of energy storage to energy security
Chair: Alberto Pincherle, AIEE Italy
Modelling the cost of gas supply outages and their substitution as a way of assessing Security of Supply Measuresy
Presenter: Sergio Ascari, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Sergio Ascari
Spot trading profits of energy storage systems in the region covered by EPEX SPOT
Presenter: Maria Kaninia, Electrical Engineer, MSc ETHZ, Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Maria Kaninia
Energy storage in wind turbines: a strategic contribution to energy security
Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE SpA, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Giuseppe Dell’Olio
Gala cocktail – November 3 – h 18.00-20.00 – Roof garden of Atlante Star Hotel
Saturday – November 4, 2017
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 12-13
12. Bioenergies
Chair: Carlo Di Primio, AIEE, Italy
Arbitrations for bioenergy use in the 21st century energy context: the significance of gasification and methanisation
Presenter: Gabin Mantulet, CNRS LPSC – CNRS GAEL, France>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gabin Mantulet, Adrien Bidaud, Silvana Mima
Lignocellulosic biorefineries as replacement of fossils
Presenter: Roy Ghatak Himadri, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, India>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Roy Ghatak Himadri
Securing local energy supply through municipal energy autonomy: assessing the feasability of increased district heating from German biogas plants
Presenter: Russell McKenna, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Russell McKenna, Jann Weinand, Lorenz Braun, Carsten Herbes
Factors influencing prices for heat from biogas plants
Presenters: Carsten Herbes and Lorenz Braun, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carsten Herbes, Verena Halbherr, Lorenz Braun
13. The Electricity market: risks and opportunities
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, University Bicocca, Italy
Managing the liberalization of Italy’s retail electricity market: A policy proposal
Presenter: Carlo Stagnaro, Bruno Leoni Institute >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carlo Stagnaro, Carlo Amenta, Luciano Lavecchia, Giulia Di Croce
Electricity grid evolution in Europe pre-access Countries: the Turkish case
Presenter: Gaia Moretti, Ianus Consulting and Development Srl-LUMSA University, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Gaia Moretti
The Ideal Competitive Electricity Market. a simulation for Italy
Presenter: Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea. Bollino, Maria Chiara D’Errico, Paolo Polinori
The blockchain challenge for the electricity system
Presenter: Alessio Pinzone, AREA Ridef – Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alessio Pinzone, Fabrizio Armani.
Students’ session
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
The European energy policy on renewable sources and its consequences on member States
Presenter: Lorenzo De Santis, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Lorenzo De Santis
The Italian Electric System in the light of European energy policies
Presenter: Elisabetta Glorioso, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elisabetta Glorioso
Cyber threats in the energy sector
Presenter: Nicola Scarnera, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy
Author: Nicola Scarnera
10.30-11.30 – Plenary Session
Sustainable mobility challenges for the transition targets
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, President AIEE, Italy
Emanuele Proia, General Manage ASSTRA (Italian Association of Public Transport Operators), Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Franco Del Manso, Manager of the Technical and Environmental Office, Unione Petrolifera, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Linda Meleo, Rome City Hall Mobility Councilor, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
11.30-13.00 – Concurrent Sessions (14-17)
14. Technology development – Grid management
Chair: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE SpA, Italy
Sustainability assessment of hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) technologies
Presenter: Spiros Papaefthimiou, Technical University of Crete, Grece>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Manolis Souliotis, Spiros Papaefthimiou
Big Data and Cloud Computing technologies applied to the energy sector: from buzzwords to market optimization through an SaaS solution
Presenter: Alessandro Piacentini, Dogma Enterprise, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Alessandro Piacentini
Considering Hydrogen Fuel Cells Powertrain as Power Generation Plant – 2017 review
Presenter: Mario Valentino Romeri, Energy consultant, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Mario Valentino Romeri
15. Scenarios and forecasting methodologies
Chair: Giancarlo Scorsoni, Energy Advisor, Italy
Energy World in 2040: a scenario approach
Presenter: Manfred Hafner, Enerdata, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Manfred Hafner
2METE: An Ecological Macroeconomic Model for Energy Transition. Alternative Scenarios Towards Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity
Presenter: Simone D’Alessandro, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Simone D’Alessandro
Forecasting the distributions of hourly electricity spot prices
Presenter: Arne Vogler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Arne Vogler, Christian Pape, Oliver Woll, Christoph Weber
16. Climate policy and emission trading
Chair: Ionut Purica, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romania
Curbin carbon emissions: is a carbon tax the most efficient levy?
Presenter: José María Martín-Moreno, University of Vigo, Spain >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: José Maria Martín-Moreno, Jorge Blázquez, Rafaela Pérez, Jesús Ruiz
Mapping carbon emissions embodied in inter-regional trade of China: final goods, intermediate goods and value chain
Presenter: HuiBin Du, Tianjin University, China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: HuiBin Du, Zengkai Zhang
Economic growth, CO2 emissions, fossil fuels consumption and renewable energy consumption in Australia
Presenter: Patrícia Hipólito Leal, University of Beira Interior, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: António Cardoso Marques, José Alberto Fuinhas, Patrícia Hipólito Leal
Energy volatilities and the cost of security
Presenter: Ionut Purica, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romania >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Ionut Purica
17. The multiple paths of electricity demand
Chair: G.B. Zorzoli, AIEE, Italy
Incentivising households to reduce electricity consumption: a meta-analysis of the experimental evidence
Presenter: Penelope Buckley, Université Grenoble Alpes, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Penelope Buckley
Impacts of Prosumers on DSO Investments: Updating Tariff Structures
Presenter: Golnoush Soroush, Politecnico di Torino, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Golnoush Soroush, Carlo Cambini
The evolution of price and income elasticities of electricity demand in Latin American countries: a time varying parameter approach
Presenter: David López Soto, London School of Economics, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: David López Soto, Rodrigo Nicolás Aragón Salinas
14.00-15.30 – concurrent sessions n. 18-21
18. The energy-environment nexus
Chair: Jose Maria Labeaga Azcona, Open University Madrid, Spain
The impact of economic growth on the CO2 emissions in Australia: environmental Kuznets curve and decoupling index
Presenter: Patrícia Hipólito Leal, University of Beira Interior, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: António Cardoso Marques, Patrícia Hipólito Leal, José Alberto Fuinhas
Air pollution externalities in Greek ports and airports
Presenter: George Nikoloudakis, Technical University of Crete, Grece
Authors: George Nikoloudakis, Spiros Papaefthimiou
Assessing the economic impacts of climate change on competition for water resources in the framework of the water-energy nexus: a hybrid general equilibrium approach for Portugal
Presenter: Carla Teotónio, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carla Teotónio, Miguel Rodriguez-Mendez, Peter Roebeling, Patrícia Fortes da Silva
19. Energy supply and security
Chair: Çiğdem Çelik, İstanbul Okan University, Turkey
Capital rationing. A threat to energy security
Presenter: Petter Osmundsen, University of Stavanger, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Petter Osmundsen, Magne Emhjellen
Constructing a Taiwan’s energy security analysis of liquefied nature gas by system dynamic model
Presenter: Chou Kuei-Lan , Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Chou Kuei-Lan
Similarities and Differences in Views on Energy Security. A Comparison of Public and Stakeholder Perceptions in Germany
Presenter: Diana Schumann, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, IEK-STE: Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Diana Schumann, Sophia Dieken
Modernizing energy markets through cooperation mechanism
Presenter: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Agime Gerbeti
20. Integrating renewables in energy markets
Chair: Francesco Asdrubali, Roma Tre University, Italy
Estimation of Bidding Curves for Active Distribution Networks
Presenter: Maria Teresa Vespucci, University of Bergamo, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Maria Teresa Vespucci, Paolo Pisciella, Giacomo Viganò, Marco Rossi, Diana Moneta
Feed-in-tariff, quota obligation and tenders for renewable support: comparison with regard to innovation, investment incentives and strategic behaviour
Presenter: Philip Dees, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Economics, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Philip Dees
Technical due diligence analysis on onshore wind projects: case study
Presenter: Antonio Geracitano, EOS Consulting, Italy
Authors: Antonio Geracitano, Chiara Ruggiero, Emanuele Riccobene
21. A new shape for electricity systems
Chair: Carlo Mari, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe
Presenter: Tim Jonathan Felling, House of Energy Markets and Finance, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Tim Jonathan Felling, Caroline Deilen, Robin Leisen, Christoph Weber
The electricity market price: volatility, pattern and forecast analysis
Presenter: Kun Li, Beijing Normal University, China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Kun Li, Joseph D. Cursio
Long-term transmission capacity planning in a scenario with high share of variable renewable energies
Presenter: Stéphane Allard, G2Elab, University Grenoble Alpes, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Stéphane Allard, Silvana Mima, Vincent Debusschere, Tuan Tran, Patrick Criqui, Nouredine Hadj-Saïd
The electric system at the time of choices: an ecosystem that creates value for France
Presenter: Alex Menu, Sciences Po Paris – Energy, Environment and Regulation, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Alex Menu
Conference Closing