3rd AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Milan, 10-12 December, 2018
Bocconi University
3rd AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Milan, 10-12 December, 2018
Following up on the success of the previous events, the conference was organized in Milan, in cooperation with the Bocconi University.
Bocconi University, founded in 1902, was the first Italian university to grant a degree in economics. For a century, Bocconi has played a leading role in Italy’s social and economic modernization. It has remained true to its founding values of being a major research university, with democratic values and open to the world, as well as financially and politically independent.
Bocconi is a research university of international standing in business, economics, and law. Its research projects are funded by national and supranational institutions. By virtue of being a major node in the European and global network of business and economics universities, Bocconi exchanges faculty and cooperates on large projects with like-minded European and American universities and business schools.
Bocconi has close relations with major corporations and international agencies, as well as their managers and officials, and constantly interacts with the business and economic environment to assess new issues, implement new techniques, and start new research endeavors.
The academic scenario of the Bocconi University offered an ideal platform to promote the exchange of ideas and host high level events and conferences. The meeting rooms are well-equipped with up to date technology and provided a highly professional welcome for to their guests. Their modern structures allow to set up many general and concurrent sessions.
The conference was a high level forum which provided an insight into the transformations of the world energy landscape. It brought together energy experts from business, government, international organisations, political realm and industry as well as leading researchers and civil society representatives. It will provided a fresh look on the major forthcoming issues offering an excellent occasion to continue the dialogue and to share best practice and experience with delegates from all over the world.
It aimed at providing a forum for an analysis of the new developments and a new vision of the future framework for energy security and will tried to define the energy priorities for the next years and the actions to be taken.
The event was organized in 6 plenary sessions and 24 parallel sessions with more than 120 presentations.
Monday – December 10, 2018
16:30-17:30 – Opening Welcome Address
Carlo Di Primio, AIEE President
Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE Honorary Presidente and General Chair
Michele Polo, Bocconi University, Eni Chair in Energy Markets, President Green
Matteo Di Castelnuovo, MaGER Director and Research Fellow GREEN, Bocconi University, Organization Committee Chair
Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, AIEE Programme Committe Chair
Keynote speaker
Davide Crippa, Under Secretary, Italian Ministry of Economic Development
Tuesday – December 11, 2018
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 1-4
1. Energy efficiency in buildings
Chair: Vittorio De Martino, AIEE, Italy
An Assessment of Urban Energy Systems Focusing on the Cooling Energy Demand in Hot Summer Days by an Energy Network Model with 151 Subregions of Tokyo Koto Area
Presenter: Shunsuke Mori, Tokyo University of Science, Japan>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Shunsuke Mori, Aya Kishimoto and Satoshi Ohnish
Heat cost allocation: an evaluation of benefits, on the basis of actual operation data
Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE,Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Giuseppe Dell’Olio
Endogenous energy efficiency improvement of large-scale refurbishment in the Swiss residential building stock
Presenter: Sergey Arzoyan, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sergey Arzoyan, Quirin Oberpriller, Marc Vielle, Michel Zimmermann
Residential solar pv investment: the role of beauty, budget and risk
Presenter: Beatrice Petrovich, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Beatrice Petrovich, Stefanie Lena Hille, Stefano Carattini, Rolf Wüstenhagen
2. The gas market: new perspectives?
Chair: Silvia Pariente-David, Senior advisor and energy consultant, Center for Mediterranean Integration
Development of LNG markets & its impact on valuation of natural gas resources in CEE countries
Presenter: Robert Uberman, University of Rijeka, Poland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Robert Uberman, Saša Zikoviċ
China’s gas demand in low carbon transition: implications for the international natural gas markets
Presenter: Silvana Mima, CNRS-GAEL, France>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Silvana Mima, Catherine Locatelli, Olga Garanina
Emergence and Consolidation of a Hybrid Paradigm in the European Gas Market: A Computational Simulation
Presenter: Arnaldo Orlandini, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Authors: Arnaldo Orlandini, Meliyara Consuegra
Playing on two markets: investment evaluation of a biogas – bio-methane power plant in a Smart Grid environment
Presenter: Marina Bertolini, University of Padova, Department of Economics and Management and CRIEP, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Marina Bertolini, Dimitrios Zormpas
3. The energy-environment nexus
Chair: Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, Menlo Energy Economics, USA
Low-carbon electricity generation scenarios for Tanzania: implications for the country’s economy and the environment
Presenter: Elena Fumagalli, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University,The Netherlands>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elena Fumagalli, Matteo Rocco
Real-time Carbon-emissions and consumer responsibility – a marginal approach for an open economy: The case of the Swiss Electricity Consumption
Presenter: Eliot Romano, University of Geneva, Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Eliot Romano, Pierre Hollmuller, Martin K. Patel
Evaluation of environmental and economic feasibility of Renewable Energy Systems; A stochastic life cycle assessment and cost analysis approach
Presenter: Maria Milousi, Technical University of Crete, Grece>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Maria Milousi, Manolis Souliotis, Emilios Galariotis, Spiros Papaefthimiou, Georgia Makridou
Areva, EDF, and the Economic Viability of the Closed Fuel Cycle
Presenter: Ryan Timothy Brown, Duke University/UN Economic Commission for Europe, Sustainable Energy Division, USA>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ryan Timothy Brown
4. The multiple paths of electricity: new challenges
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, Bicocca University Italy
The value of security for Swiss residential electricity consumers – a discrete choice analysis
Presenter: Alessandra Motz, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Alessandra Motz
The measurement of unobserved economy through electricity demand
Presenter: Amedeo Argentiero, University of Perugia, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Amedeo Argentiero, Simona Bigerna, Maria Chiara D’Errico, Silvia Micheli, Paolo Polinori
An econometrics analysis of residential energy demand satisfied by heat pumps: lessons from international experience
Presenter: Sophia Kokoni, University of Surrey, UK>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sophia Kokoni
Market design of an energy exchange: the case of Grecce
Presenter: Filippos Ioannidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Economics, Grece>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Filippos Ioannidis, Kyriaki Kosmidou, Kostas Andriosopoulo
10.30 -11.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
EU beyond 2030 and the energy security concerns
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, Adjunct Professor, LUMSA University, Italy
Samuele Furfari, Professor of Geopolitics Université Libre de Bruxelles – >>> PRESENTATION
Marco Falcone, Government Relations and Issues Manager, Esso Italiana, Exxon Mobil Group, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
Giulio Volpi, Policy Coordinator, Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission >>> PRESENTATION
Regulatory challenges and market developments
Chair: Alessandro Ortis, Honoray President of MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy Regulators), Past President of the Italian Authority – ARERA,
Fabrizio Falconi, Manager, Federation of the Italian Utilities – Utilitalia, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Simona Ciancio, Head of Market Regulation Terna, Italy
Pippo Ranci, Catholic University of Milan and Advisor, Florence School of Regulation, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Alessandro Ortis, President Stati Generali dell’Efficienza Energetica, Italy
11.30 -13.00 – concurrent sessions n. 5-8
5. Innovation for energy systems
Chair: Alessandro Clerici, FAST and WEC Italy
Trends and long-run relations in electricity prices: why prefiltering is inevitable
Presenter: Matteo Pelagatti, DEMS, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Matteo Pelagatti, Angelica Gianfreda and Lucia Parisio
Exploring pathways of solar PV learning in integrated assessment models
Presenter: Samuel Carrara, FEEM/University of California, Berkeley, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Samuel Carrara, Michela Bevione, Harmen-Sytze de Boer, David Gernaat, Silvana Mima, Robert C. Pietzcker, Massimo Tavoni
Valuing (in) security of electricity supply: A discrete choice experiment for Estonia, the Netherlands and Portugal
Presenter: Sergio Giaccaria, Joint Research Center– European Commission EU >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sergio Giaccaria, Alberto Longo, Thijs Bouman, Tilemahos Efthimiadis
6 . Decarbonizing the gas sector
Chair: Spiros Papaeftimiou, University of Crete, Greece
Towards renewable natural gas
Presenter: Giuseppe Ferrari, Bocconi University, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Giuseppe Ferrari, Iñigo del Guayo
Synthetic Natural Gas: an Option Complementing Renewable Energy and Supporting Decarbonisation?
Presenter: Simon Morgenthaler, Institute of Energy and Climate Research – System Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Simon Morgenthaler, Christopher Ball, Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs
Decarbonising the Gas Sector: is Renewable Gas a Serious Option?
Presenter: Maria Olczak, Florence School of Regulation>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Andris Piebalgs, Maria Olczak
7 . Energy security & climate change
Chair: Mario Iannotti, Ministry of Environment, Italy
A new Governance regulation to foster renewable cooperation post 2020
Presenter: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Agime Gerbeti
Big data analysis to seek climate change proof and its risk mitigation
Presenter: Ionut Purica, Romanian Academy and AOSR, Romania>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ionut Purica
The main results of the G-20 peer review on fossil-fuel subsidies
Presenter: Mario Iannotti, SOGESID/Italian Ministry of Environment, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Mario Iannotti
8 . The Electricity market: risks and opportunities
Chair: Elena Fumagalli, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Heading towards sustainable and democratic electricity system
Presenter: Reinhard Haas, Vienna University of Technology, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Reinhard Haas, Hans Auer
An intra-day analysis of electricity forward premia
Presenter: Kun Li, Beijing Normal University, Cina >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Kun Li
Behind and beyond the meter: How new BTM service options are disrupting utility business model
Presenter: Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, Menlo Energy Economics, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Fereidoon P. Sioshansi
Distribution network tariffs and active consumers: a bi-level equilibrium modelling approach
Presenter: Tim Schittekatte, Florence School of Regulation/ Universite Paris-Sud, France>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Tim Schittekatte, Leonardo Meeus
13.00 -14.00 – Break
14.00 -15.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Energy industry challenges to a low-carbon economy, the gas role in the transition
Chair: Carlo Di Primio, AIEE President, Italy
Alfredo Balena , Adriatic LNG Public & Government Affairs Manager, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Marco Brun, CEO Shell Italia, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Michele Mario Elia, Country Manager Italia di TAP – Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Camilla Palladino, EVP Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations, Snam, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Pierre Vergerio, Chief Operating Officer Gas Midstream, Energy Management & Optimization, Edison, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Giuseppe Ricci, President Confindustria Energia (The Italian Industry Federation), Italy
Sustainable mobility challenges for the transition targets
Chair: G.B. Zorzoli, President FREE
Amela Ajanovic, Assistant Professor & Senior Research Scientist, Energy Economics Group, Vienna University of Technology, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Vittorio Chiesa, Professor Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Adil Gaoui, Professor GEC Marrakech – École de Management, Delegate Africa – Middle East AAQIUS, STOR-H General Manager, Morocco >>> PRESENTATION
Vincent Schachter, Senior Vice President Energy Services eMotorWerks, Enel Group, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
15.30 -17.00 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 9-12
9 . The energy-economy nexus
Chair: Luigi De Paoli, Bocconi University, Italy
Hedging rainfall exposure through hybrid financial instruments
Presenter: Enrico Moretto, University of Insubria Varese, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Silvana Stefani, Gleda Kutrolli, Enrico Moretto, Adeyemi Sonubi, Vanda Tulli
Development of dynamic scenarios: Depicting path dependencies and nonlinearities within storylines
Presenter: Philip Mayer, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Philip Mayer, Stefan Vögele, Kristina Govorukha, Dirk Rübbelke
Financial performance assessment of electricity companies: evidence from Portugal
Presenter: Elisabete Neves, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elisabete Neves, Carla Henriques, João Vilas
The energy performance contract (EPC) as an instrument of private public partnership for the energy requalification of public real estate assets
Presenter: Francesco Scalia, University of Cassino, Italy
Authors: Francesco Scalia
10. The union of national energy markets
Chair: Silvana Stefani, Bicocca University, Italy
Division of powers between the EU and its member states: implications for energy security
Presenter: Martin Svec, Masaryk University, Czech Republic >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Martin Svec
Regulating Energy Markets: The Experience of South Eastern Europe
Presenter: Sotirios Manolkidis, Hellenic Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), Grece>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sotirios Manolkidi
Sector Coupling – the new EU Climate & Energy paradigm?
Presenter: Maria Olczak, Florence School of Regulation, Poland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Maria Olczak, Andris Piebalgs
Competition and Regulation with Smart Grids
Presenter: Marco Buso, University of Padua, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Marco Buso, Luciano Greco, Marina Bertolini
11. Global assessment of energy security, efficiency and sustainability
Chair: Ionut Purica, AOSR, Hyperion University, Romania
Fuel Poverty Measurements in America. Who are the Most Vulnerable?
Presenter: Michael Chesser, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Michael Chesser, Jim Hanly, Damien Cassells
Plastic to Fuel, an innovative solution for energy security
Presenter: Gianluca Carrino, AIEE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Gianluca Carrino
Energy-Materials Nexus for a Low Carbon Energy System
Presenter: Daisy de Selliers, UCL Energy Institute, U.K. >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Daisy de Selliers, Catalina Spataru
Analysis of Energy System Resilience Under Wicked Socio-Environmental Disruptions – A Framework
Presenter: Jani Mikkola, Aalto University, School of Science, Finland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Jani Mikkola, Liinu Koskela, Peter D. Lund
12. The market prospect of electric vehicles
Chair: Matteo Di Castelnuovo, Bocconi University, Italy
The impact of electric vehicles on air quality related health costs
Presenter: Raffaele Galdi, GREEN Bocconi University, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gabriele Grea, Raffaele Galdi
Energy Technology, case of electric vehicles, why is it so hard to change course?
Presenter: Carolina Merighi, Intesa Sanpaolo Corporate and Investment Banking Madrid Branch>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carolina Merighi
On the environmental benignity and the market prospects of electric vehicles
Presenter: Amela Ajanovic, Energy Economics Group, Vienna University of Technology, Austria>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Amela Ajanovic, Reinhard Haas
Wednesday – December 12, 2018
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 13-16
13. The link between the growth of energy consumption, population and income levels
Chair: Reinhard Haas, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Energy demand and economic growth: panel data evidence from developing countries (ASEAN 4)
Presenter: Abd Aziz Azlina, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Abd Aziz Azlina, Mahirah Kamaludin, Azilah Hasnisah
Can oil based power companies improve the household welfare in Bangladesh economy? a DSGE analysis
Presenter: Sakib Amin, Durham University Business School,UK >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sakib Amin, Laura Marsiliani, Thomas Renstrom
The study of the impact of economic and population growth on energy consumption: a statistical approach
Presenter: Mohammed AL-Otaibi, National Industrialization Company (Tasnee), Saudi Arabia >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hamad M. Mudij, Mohammed AL-Otaibi
14. The energy policies post Paris Agreement and the energy roadmap to 2050
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy
Physical adequacy in power generation: Spain beyond 2020
Presenter: José Manuel Chamorro, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Luis María Abadie, José Manuel Chamorro
Vision 2050 – A pathway for the evolution of the refining industry and liquid fuels
Presenter: Franco Del Manso, Unione Petrolifera, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Franco Del Manso
Consideration about Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Paris Agreement 1.5°C Perspective
Presenter: Mario Valentino Romeri, Energy consultant >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mario Valentino Romeri
Switch and defer options in renewable energy projects: evidences from Brazil
Presenter:André Luis da Silva Leite, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, Brasil >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: André Luis da Silva Leite, Luis Eduardo Nunes, Marcus Vinicius Lima
15. Integrating renewables in energy markets
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia, Italy
How futures materialize: a case future frame of renewable energy the in Denmark
Presenter:Sietske Veenman, Radboud University, The Netherlands >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sietske Veenman, Karl Sperling
Assessing the relevance of renewable generation localization through a spot market algorithm simulator: the case of Italy
Presenter: Silvia Concettini, Université de Tours – IRJI François Rabelais, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Silvia Concettini, Stanislao Gualdi, Anna Creti
Corporate renewable energy procurement through PPAs in the United States
Presenter:Monika Dimitrova, Bocconi University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors:Matteo di Castelnuovo, Monika Dimitrova
The hydrogen production from RES impact on energy and fuel markets
Presenter: Gaetano Squadrito, Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies “Nicola Giordano” CNR-ITAE,Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Agatino Nicita, Gaetano Maggio, Antonio P.F. Andaloro, Gaetano Squadrito
16. Strategic contribution of energy storage to energy security
Chair: Silvana Mima, CNRS-GAEL, France
Valuing the impact on network reliability of residential battery storage
Presenter: Presenter: Damian Shaw-Williams, Queensland University of Technology, Australia >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Damian Shaw-Williams
Dispatch Auction Designs and Arbitrage Strategies for Energy Storage Units
Presenter: Olvar Bergland, School of Economics and Business Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Olvar Bergland
BESS for Primary Frequency Regulation in Support of Thermal Power Plants
Presenter: Silvia Canevese, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Silvia Canevese, Antonio Gatti
Rising flexibility needs in the power sector and the growing role of energy storage in the World Energy Outlook
Presenter: Claudia Pavarini, International Energy Agency – IEA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Authors: Claudia Pavarini
10.30 -11.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Grid security and new technologies
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, Honorary President AIEE, Italy
Luca Bragoli, Head of International and Institutional Affairs ERG, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Matteo Codazzi, Chief Executive Officer CESI, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Salvatore Pinto, President Axpo, Italy
Agostino Re Rebaudengo, Vice President, Elettricità Futura, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Europe Roadmap and the future strategies of the energy industry
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, Vice President AIEE, Italy
Felice Egidi, Federmanager – Confederation of Italian managers, Italy, >>> PRESENTATION
Dario Di Santo, Genergal Manager, Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency – FIRE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Maria Luigia Partipilo, Head of Institutional Affairs Northern Area Enel, Italy
11.30 -13.00 – concurrent sessions n. 17-20
17. Energy supply and security
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
The geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2
Presenter: Balázs R. Sziklai, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Balázs R. Sziklai, László Á. Kóczy, Dávid Csercsik
How the increase of renewable energy sources will change our energy security landscape – a look on the Baltic Sea Region states
Presenter: Julia Vainio, Subject Matter Expert, NATO ENSEC COE, Lithuania >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Julia Vainio
A risk-based evaluation of European natural gas supply security – The case of Nordstream 2
Presenter:László Á. Kóczy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics/Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: László Á. Kóczy, Dávid Csercsik, Balázs R. Sziklai
18. Technology development – Grid management
Chair: Iain Staffell, lmperial College London, UK
Distributed technologies in the energy markets: Welfare effects in legacy networks
Presenter: Andrew Burlinson, Loughborough University, UK>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Andrew Burlinson, Anna Rita Bennato, Monica Giulietti
Optimality study of uplifts with a primal-dual solution approach for the Convex Hull Pricing problem
Presenter: Alvarez Cristian, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Cile>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alvarez Cristian, Alejandro Angulo, Pablo Escalona
Revealing Consumption Patterns from Meter Readings: a structural deep machine learning approach
Presenter: Olvar Bergland, School of Economic Sciences – Washington State University >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Olvar Bergland, Alan Love
Elecxit: The Impact of Barriers to Electricity Trade After Brexit
Presenter: Iain Staffell, lmperial College London, UK >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Joachim Geske, Richard Green, Iain Staffell
19. The transition to renewable & smart energies and the decarbonization project
Chair: Francesco Gullì, Bocconi University, Italy
Smart energy transition – technology convergence of renewable energy and ICT sectors
Presenter: Hanna-Liisa Kangas, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Finland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hanna-Liisa Kangas, Kimmo Ollikka, Kim Yukyeong
A proposal for assessing wind power systems in Europe
Presenter: Carla Henriques, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra – Coimbra Business School – ISCAC, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carla Henriques, Patrícia Pereira da Silva, Nuno Figueiredo
The impact of using green hydrogen on African countries’ energy independence
Presenter: Adil Gaoui, Hassania School of Public, Morocco >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Adil Gaoui, Brahim Lekhlif
20. From Consumers to nonsumers: How new behind-the-meter service options are disrupting utility business models
Chair: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy
Power Cloud: a framework to implement a “nonsumer” community
Presenter: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Nicola Sorrentino, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli
Day-ahead demand management at microgrid level using Artificial Neural Network predictions and Genetic Algorithm optimisation
Presenter: Nikolas Kampelis, Technical University of Crete, Grece >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Nikolas Kampelis, E. Tsekeri, D. Kolokotsa, K. Kalaitzakis, D. Isidori, C.Cristalli
Customer stratification and different concepts of decentralization
Presenter: Dierk Bauknecht, Öko-Institute, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Dierk Bauknecht, Joß Bracker, Franziska Flachsbarth, Christoph Heinemann, Dominik Seebach, Moritz Vogel
Limits of traditional distribution network tariff designs and options to move beyond
Presenter: Tim Schittekatte, Florence School of Regulation
Authors: Tim Schittekatte, Leonardo Meeus
14.00-15.30 – concurrent sessions n. 21-24
21. Current Oil Market Dynamics
Chair: Elisa Scarpa, Head of Market Analysis, Structuring & Pricing Edison, Italy
Determinants of Volatility Smile: the Case of Crude Oil Options
Presenter: Vesa Soini, University of Stavanger, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Vesa Soini, Sindre Lorentzen
A comparison of various oil price forecasting methods with a large number of variables
Presenter: Krzysztof Drachal, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Krzysztof Drachal
Time and frequency dynamics of connectedness between renewable energy stocks and crude oil prices
Presenter: Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Montpellier Business School, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Román Ferrer, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad; Raquel López; Francisco Jareñ
22. Technology development
Chair: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE, Italy
Value of electricity supply security: a case study for Germany
Presenter: Thomas Schröder, Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
Author: Thomas Schröder
Potentials and limitations of photovoltaic-based cellular energy systems in southern Germany
Presenter: Matthias Kühnbach, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Matthias Kühnbach, Stefan Pisula, Anke Eßer
Smart meters in Sweden- lessons learned and new regulations
Presenter: Yalin Huang, Energy Market Inspectorate, Sweden >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Yalin Huang, Elin Grahn
Determined a Reference Price by CO2 Abatement Cost for Window Films
Presenter: Sheng-Dih Hwang, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, ROC, Taiwan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sheng-Dih Hwang, Yu-Ching Huang
23. Perspectives of transport sector
Chair: Oliviero Baccelli, GREEN Bocconi University
Impact of Euro 6 diesel passenger cars on urban air quality compliance in Italy
Presenter: Franco Del Manso, Unione Petrolifera, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Franco Del Manso
The future of technologies for mobility, a model based approach
Presenter: Gabin Mantulet, LPSC – CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique & Cosmologie, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gabin Mantulet, Silvana Mima, Adrien Bidaud
Current development and future potential of carsharing in Spain: insights from experts and users in-depth interviews
Presenter: Alessandro Silvestri, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alessandro Silvestri, Sebastien Foudi, Ibon Galarraga
Prospects for the development of Polish electromobility
Presenters: Wojciech Drożdż, Szczecin University/ENEA Operator and Jakub Dowejko, ENEA Operator, Poland >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Wojciech Drożdż
24. European energy security strategies
Chair: Julia Vainio, Subject Matter Expert, NATO ENSEC COE, Lithuania
Regulation and efficiency: which governance model for energy security after the Winter Package?
Presenter: Marina Petri, Bocconi University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Marina Petri
Ready for the next step? The human capital of German renewable energy cooperatives’ management with a view to implementing new business models
Presenter: Benedikt Rilling, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, ISR, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carsten Herbes, Benedikt Rilling, Lars Holstenkamp
Anticipatory Strategies for Eastern European Natural Gas Security
Presenter: Ryan Brown, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Sustainable Energy Division, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ryan Brown
Belt & Road initiative: Challenge or chance for the European energy security?
Presenter: Maria Belka, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Maria Belka
Conference Closing