4th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Rome, 10-12 December, 2019
Lumsa University
4th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Rome, 10-12 December, 2019
Following up on the success of the previous events, this year the conference is back to Rome with its fourth edition, in cooperation with LUMSA University, a university in the heart of Rome with a view on the Vatican walls and Saint Peter Church.
It was a high level forum which provided an insight into the transformations of the world energy landscape. It brought together energy experts from business, government, international organisations, political realm and industry as well as leading researchers and civil society representatives. It will provided a fresh look on the major forthcoming issues offering an excellent occasion to continue the dialogue and to share best practice and experience with delegates from all over the world.
The Conference aimed at providing a forum for an analysis of the new developments and a new vision of the future framework for energy security and will tried to define the energy priorities for the next years and the actions to be taken.
The event was organized in 6 plenary sessions and 22 parallel sessions with more than 100 presentations.
Tuesday – December 10, 2019
16:30-17:30 – Opening Welcome Address
Carlo Di Primio, AIEE President – VIDEO
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Conference General Chair, AIEE Honorary President – VIDEO
Gennaro Iasevoli, Deputy Rector for Research and internationalisation, LUMSA University – VIDEO
Claudio Giannotti, Director of the Department of Law, Economics, Politics and Modern languages, LUMSA University – VIDEO
Nicoletta Rangone, President of the Scientific Committee LUMSA University – VIDEO
Agime Gerbeti, President of the Programme Committee LUMSA University – VIDEO
Wednesday – December 11, 2019
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 1-4
1. Household energy efficiency
Chair: Federico Santi, University of Rome La Sapienza
Determinants of household energy expenditure in Austria: A case using EU SILC microdata
Presenter: Daniel R. Hill, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Daniel R. Hill
Boosting solar rooftop in household by financial incentives – a comparison analysis. A case study in Vietnam
Presenter: Phuong Minh Khuong, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Phuong Minh Khuong
Energy Efficiency in Italian Buildings: disruptive NZEB versus traditional constructions for decarbonization
Presenter: Mattia Luca: Professional Registry of Engineers at the Province of Rome, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mattia Luca, Tiziana Torelli
2. Raising awareness on the decarbonization process
Chair: Carlo Di Primio, AIEE, Italy
What Motivates Us to Seek Information About Energy Policies?: Swiss Citizens’ Information Seeking Behavior on Deep Geothermal Energy
Presenter: Rebecca Lordan-Perret, University of Basel, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Lordan-Perret Rebecca, Aya Kachi
Quantification of social costs considering the reduction in the risk perception with public opinion on Japanese nuclear power generations
Presenter: Mari Ito, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Authors: Mari Ito, Naoya Kihara, Ryuta Takashima, Noriaki Sakai, Natsuki Nagata, Yumiko Kawasaki, Takeshi Iimoto
Fundamental Analysis of Consumer Preference for Renewable and Nuclear Energy and Formation of Public Opinion
Presenter: Masaaki Suzuki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Authors: Masaaki Suzuki, Mari Ito, Ryuta Takashima
Promoting energy efficiency in car transportation through user experience or information?
Presenter: Gracia M. Brückmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gracia M. Brückmann
3. Modelling the volatility of the energy market
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE, Italy
Modelling the volatility of electricity spot price in Brazil
Presenter: Presenter: André Luis Da Silva Leite, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, Brazil – >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: André Luis Da Silva Leite, Nivalde de Castro, Nei Nunes
Energy efficiency and gamification: storytelling and individual behaviour in social dilemma situations
Presenter: Dominic Jung, University of Technology Clausthal, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Roland Menges, Dominic Jung, Jens Müller, Stefan Traub, Jacob Wehrle
Is financialization of energy commodities still going on? Evidence from an entropy-based approach
Presenter: Pierluigi Vellucci, University Roma Tre, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Francesco Benedetto, Loretta Mastroeni, Pierluigi Vellucci
4. Renewable energy market
Chair: Fereidoon Sioshansi, President Menlo Energy Economics, USA
Renewable energy deployment and energy storage: empirical evidence
Presenter: Dina Azhgaliyeva, Asian development Bank Institute, Japan
Author: Azhgaliyeva Dina
Spatial Optimization of Renewable Energy Integration for Decarbonizing Power Sector in Japan
Presenter: Ryoichi Komiyama, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Authors: Yasumasa Fujii, Ryoichi Komiyama
Dynamics towards the new world – energy security as shaping force for regional cooperation in Europe
Presenter: Diyun Huang, University of Leuven, Belgium >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Diyun Huang
10.35 -11.35 – Dual Plenary Sessions
EU beyond 2030 and the energy security concerns
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, President of the Scientific Committee AIEE, Italy
Luca Bragoli, Head of International and Institutional Affairs ERG, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
Marco Falcone, Government Relations and Issues Manager, Esso Italiana, Exxon Mobil Group, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
Silvia Pariente-David, Consultant on energy and climate change and Senior advisor – Center for Mediterranean Integration, World Bank, France – >>> PRESENTATION
Elena Donnari, High-level Administrator for CRM and MIT, Council of European Regulators-CEER >>> PRESENTATION
Regulatory challenges and market developments
Chair: Alessandro Ortis, Honoray President of MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy Regulators), Past President of the Italian Authority – ARERA,
Derek Bunn, Professor of Decision Sciences at London Business School, UK >>> PRESENTATION
Fabrizio Falconi, Energy Regulation Coordinator, Utilitalia – Federation of the Italian Utilities, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Michele Governatori , Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs, Axpo Italia, Italy
Francesco Sala, Senior Advisor, Market regulation, Terna, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
11.40 -13.10 – concurrent sessions n. 5-8
5. Clean energy investements
Chair: André Cieplinski, University of Pisa, Italy
How realistic are energy investment models? Reflecting on German power plant investment decisions between 2005 and 2014
Presenter: Christopher Ball, Forschungszentrum Jülich, IEK-STE, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Christopher Ball, Stefan Vögele, Kristina Govorukha
Electricity Consumption and its Determinants In Nigeria
Presenter: Onisanwa Idowu, Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria
Authors: Onisanwa Idowu, Mercy Ojochegbe Adaji
Clean energy investment and credit rationing
Presenter: Christian Haas, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Karol Kempa, Christian Haas
The main results of the 2nd Italian Catalogue of Environmentally Harmful and Friendly Subsidies
Presenter: Mario Iannotti, A.T. Sogesid – Ministry of Environment Land and Sea, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mario Iannotti
6 . Decarbonizing the gas and oil sectors: green perspectives
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE, Italy
Green perspectives to reuse oil & gas wells in Italy
Presenter: Claudio Alimonti , La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Claudio Alimonti, Davide Scrocca, Elena Soldo
Are we heading towards gas OPEC? Gas market integration, LNG and impact on the EU
Presenter: Milan Hudak, Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Milan Hudak
The Energy Union Governance
Presenter: Francesco Scalia, University of Cassino, Italy
Authors: Francesco Scalia
7 . BCB : Bitcoin, Circular economy and Blockchain
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy
Irreversible Thermodynamics view of the need for a circular economy
Presenter: Ionut Purica, IPE – Romanian Academy, Romania >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Ionut Purica
Bitcoin mining to reduce renewable curtailment: a case study of Caiso
Presenter: Sylvain Audette, HEC Montreal, Canada >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rui Shan, Yaojin Sun, Sylvain Audette
Turning Rome into a Zero Waste capital: towards a circular Economy System
Presenters: Gianluca Carrino, AIEE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gianluca Carrino
Blockchain technologies for electricity trading regulation
Presenter: Tamara Favaro, University of Pisa, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Tamara Favaro
8 . The Electricity market: risks and opportunities
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Preferences and Willingness to Pay for regional and green electricity – A stated choice experiment in Germany
Presenter: Larissa Fait, University of Kassel, Germany
Author: Larissa Fait, Elke D. Groh, Heike Wetze
Dynamic electricity tariffs – Designing reasonable pricing schemes for private households in Germany
Presenter: Victor von Loessl, University of Kassel, Germany
Authors: Victor von Loessl, Julia Freier and Heike Wetzel
Application fields of artificial intelligence in the electricity sector – a systematic overview
Presenters: Sabine Pelka, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sabine Pelka, Marian Klobasa
Understanding the future of the electricity distribution system operator: An examination of the largest national firms
Presenter: Karim Anaya, University of Cambridge, UK >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Michael G Pollitt, Karim Anaya
13.10 -14.10 – Break
14.15 -15.45 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Energy industry challenges to a low-carbon economy, the gas role in the transition
Chair: Carlo Di Primio, AIEE President, Italy
Davide Bovio, Industry Marketing Business Advisor, Shell Italia E&P, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Paolo D’Ermo, Secretary General WEC Italia, Italy
Mustafa Ozge Ozden, Regulation & Stakeholder Manager, Enerjisa, Turkey >>> PRESENTATION
Xavier Lorenzo Rousseau, Head of Corporate Strategy and Market Analysis, Snam, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Pierre Vergerio, Chief Operating Officer Gas Midstream, Energy Management & Optimization, Edison, Italy – >>> PRESENTATION
Sustainable mobility challenges for the transition targets
Chair: G.B. Zorzoli, President FREE
Amela Ajanovic, Assistant Professor & Senior Research Scientist, Energy Economics Group, Vienna University of Technology, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Franco Del Manso, International Environmental Affairs of UNEM – Energy Union for Mobility, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Marco Falcone, Government Relations and Issues Manager, Esso Italiana, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Dino Marcozzi, General Secretay MOTUS-E member of the European Platform for Mobility, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
15.50 -17.20 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 9-12
9 . Green revolution: biomethane & hydrogen
Chair: Davide Tabarelli, Nomisma Energia, Italy
Electrolytic oxygen, only a by-product?
Presenter: Gaetano Maggio, Institute of Advanced Energy Technolgies “Nicola Giordano” – CNR, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Agatino Nicita, Gaetano Maggio, Antonio Pietro Francesco Andaloro
A P2X system for liquid methane and liquid oxygen production coupled to a geothermal plant
Presenter: Gianluca Pasini and Davide Fioriti, University of Pisa, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gianluca Pasini, Davide Fioriti
The history could repeat itself: hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is the ‘game changer’
Presenter: Mario Valentino Romeri, Energy Consultant, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mario Valentino Romeri
10. Renewable energy: rich vs developing countries perspective
Chair: Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University, Italy
Technology transfer from rich countries as a limiting factor in developing countries renewables
Presenter: Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University, Italy
Author: Giovanni Ferri
Iliceto Shield Wire Scheme (ISWS): A LeapFrog Technique For Low-Cost Rural Electrification, Micro-Grids Connection and RES Promotion in Developing Countries. A Precious Legacy from Professor Francesco Iliceto
Presenter: Federico Santi, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Federico Santi, Maria Carmen Falvo, Sara Maccario, Antonio Iliceto
Renewable energy, smart grids in developed and developing countries
Presenter: Sergio Vergalli, University of Brescia & FEEM, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sergio Vergalli
Renewable Energy Sources And Capacity Building For Sustainable Development
Presenter: Peris Wambui Francis, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Peris Wambui Francis
11. Climate Change and power systems
Chair: Ionut Purica, AOSR, Hyperion University, Romania
How does climate change affect the transition of power systems already now: the case of Germany
Presenter: Kristina Govorukha, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Kristina Govorukha, Alexander Golub, Philip Mayer, Dirk Rübbelke
Migration related to climate change
Presenter: Alexia Ponziani, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Alexia Ponziani
A note on flexible hydropower and security of supply: Spain beyond 2020
Presenter: José Manuel Chamorro, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Abadie Luis Maria, Chamorro José Manuel, Sébastien Huclin, Dirk-Jan van de Ven
12. Energy security, efficiency and sustainability
Chair: Cigdem Celik, Okan Univerisity, Turkey
What drives or hinders autonomous energy efficiency improvement
Presenter: Akira Maeda, The University of Tokyo; Japan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Akira Maeda, Makiko Nagaya
Assessing energy efficiency: econometric evidence and implications for Italian energy policy
Presenter: Pierpaolo Perna, Oxera Consulting, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Armando Castro, Pierpaolo Perna
Low-carbon Iron and steel production: a techno-economic method to evaluate transition pathways to a renewable-based direct reduction process in a brownfield plant
Presenter: Hirzel Simon, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hirzel Simon, Michael Haendel, Nils Müller
Thursday – December 12, 2019
09.00 -10.30 – concurrent sessions n. 13-16
13. Electromobility & the decarbonization of the transport sector
Chair: Gracia Brückmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Does demand response make it worse? impacts of avalanche effects of price-optimized electric vehicle charging on system load and electricity generation
Presenter: Matthias Kühnbach, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Matthias Kühnbach, Marian Klobasa
Explorative evidence of adoption of multimodal mobility packages from a choice-based conjoint study in Austria
Presenter: Paula Brezovec, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Paula Brezovec, Nina Hampl
The EU automotive industry and the electric vehicle revolution: impacts on the value chain and industrial policy options
Presenter: Ernesto Cassetta, University of Udine, Italy
Authors: Ernesto Cassetta, Cesare Pozzi, Umberto Monarca
Assessment for economic impact of structural changes in automobile industry by dynamic multisector energy economic model
Presenter: Naoyuki Otani, The University of Tokyo, Japan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ryoichi Komiyama, Yasumasa Fujii, Naoyuki Otani
14. Green fuels market and new methane strategies
Chair: Vittorio De Martino, AIEE, Italy
Fuels for future maritime transportation
Presenter: Franco Del Manso, Unione Petrolifera, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Franco Del Manso
Green gas retail products only partially meet consumer preferences: a comparative study of four markets in Europe
Presenter: Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carsten Herbes, Benedikt Rilling
How relevant is the natural gas distribution grid in comparison to the electricity distribution grid and heating grids?
Presenter: Stella Oberle, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Stella Oberle, Till Gnann, Martin Wietschel
15. Energy security and geopolitics
Chair: Mario Iannotti, A.T. Sogesid – Ministry of Environment Land and Sea, Italy
The challenges and prospects of Japan’s energy security in East Asia since 1990s
Presenter: Hideaki Fujii, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hideaki Fujii
Utilizing applied behavioral research to execute subsidy reform in Kuwait
Presenter: Hessah Hamad Al-Ojayan, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Authors: Hessah Hamad Al-Ojayan
Energy security in the era of hybrid warfare: a view from NATO
Presenter: Daniel Nussbaum, Naval Postgraduate School, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Arnold Dupuy, Daniel Nussbaum, Stefan Pickl, Paul Michael Wibhey
16. Challenges of renewable energy in the electricity market
Chair: Giancarlo Scorsoni, Energy Consultant , Italy
Large scale renewable integration in the French energy system: costs and energy security versus environmental ambitions?
Presenter: Presenter: Pierre Cayet, IFPEN, IFP-School, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Pierre Cayet, Arash Farnoosh, Lionel Ragot
Assessing the renewable energy policy paradox: a scenario analysis for the Italian electricity market
Presenter: Andre Cieplinski, University of Pisa, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Francesco Marghella, Andre Cieplinski, Simone D’Alessandro
Assessing the effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources in the European Union
Presenter: Blanca Moreno, University of Oviedo, Spain >>> PRESENTATION
Author: María Teresa García-Álvarez, Blanca Moreno, Laura Cabeza-García and Isabel Soares
North sea offshore grid integration – barriers and solutions
Presenter: Lise-Lotte Pade, technical University of Denmark, Denmark >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Authors: Lise-Lotte Pade, Lauge Truels Larsen, Claire Bergaentzlé
10.35 -11.35 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Grid security and new technologies
Chair: Giacomo Terenzi, Grid and Electricity Market Analyst, Terna, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Alessandro Bertani, Head of Networks Automation & Smart Grids CESI, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Luciano Martini, Director of the “Transmission and Distribution Technologies – RSE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Fereidoon Sioshansi, President Menlo Energy Economics, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Giovanni Valtorta, Manager Enel Distribution, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Energy Efficiency and the future strategies of the energy industry
Chair: Gurkan Kumbaroglu – Professor University of Boğaziçi, President of TRAEE- The Turkish Association of Energy Economists, IAEE Past President
Sandro Neri, Head Manager, Italian Federation for energy efficiency – FIRE, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Ferdinando Pozzani, CEO, TEON, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Dario Di Santo, Genergal Manager, Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency – FIRE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
11.40 -13.10 – concurrent sessions n. 17-20
17. The multiple paths of electricity: new challenges
Chair: Arturo Lorenzoni, University of Padua, Italy
True or not true: carbon-free electricity generation is possible
Presenter: Rolf Golombek, Frisch Centre, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rolf Golombek, Simen Gaure
Eco-efficiency assessment of the electricity sector: evidence from 28 EU countries
Presenter: Carla Henriques, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra – CBS-ISCAC, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carla Henriques, Marcos Tenente, Patrícia Pereira da Silva
The determinants of Environmental and Energy Efficiency of EU electricity industry using a Bayesian Shrinkage Dynamic Estimator
Presenter: Maria Chiara D’Errico, University of Perugia, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Maria Chiara D’Errico, Paolo Polinori
Cost benefit analysis of HELE and subcritical coal fired electricity generation technologies in Southeast Asia
Presenter: Hassan Ali, The University of Newcastle, Australia >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Hassan Ali, Han Phoumin, Steven R. Weller, and Beni Suryadi
18. 100% Renewable transition: perspective for the 21st century
Chair: Franco Del Manso, UNEM, Italy
Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities in Providing Green Energy
Presenter: Presenter: Alessandro Mattacchini, Enel Green Power, Rome, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Enel Green Power CEO Office team, Alessandro Mattacchini
Blueprint for 100% Renewables
Presenter: Richard Perez, New York State University at Albany, NY, USA. >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Richard Perez, Marc Perez, Karl Rabago, Morgan Putnam, Marco Pierro, Cristina Cornaro, Matteo Giacomo Prina, David Moser
Italian protocol for massive solar penetration: from imbalance regulation to firm PV generation
Presenter: Cristina Cornaro, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Marco Pierro, Cristina Cornaro, Richard Perez, Marc Perez, Matteo Giacomo Prina, David Mosern
Decarbonization of the Italian energy system: critical issues and opportunities
Presenter: Matteo Giacomo Prina, EURAC Research, Bolzano, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Matteo Giacomo Prina, Giampaolo Manzolini, David Moser, Roberto Vaccaro, Wolfram Sparber
19. Energy policies & the decarbonization process
Chair: Lise-Lotte Pade, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Energy Systems Integration: Implications for Public Policy
Presenter: Rafaele Congiu, Politecnico di Torino, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Cambini Carlo, Raffaele Congiu, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Golnoush Soroush
Envisioning the future for European power markets in 2050: Integrating social, economic and technological drivers
Presenter: Philip Mayer, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Authors: Philip Mayer, Kristina Govorukha, Wolfgang Habla, Paul Kunz, Mathias Mier, Sebastian Voigt, Christoph Weissbart
Decarbonization process pay off: study cases and perspectives
Presenter: Ilaria Colasanto, Energy consultant, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ilaria Colasanto, Antonino Bonfiglio
New scenarios for long-term green electricity contracts and the role of guarantees of origin
Presenter: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy
Authors: Agime Gerbeti
20. The battery energy storage system and the environmental impact
Chair: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy
Criticality of rare earth elements and their environmental impacts: exploring deeper into the energy transition
Presenter: Fernanda Guedes, IFP Energies nouvelles, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Fernanda Guedes, Emmanuel Hache; Gondia Sokhna Seck
Assessing Battery management for energy communities: economic evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) led system
Presenter: Alessandro Rubino, University of Bari, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alessandro Rubino, Saman Korjani, Angelo Facchini, Mario Mureddu, Alfonso Damiano
Techno-Economic Benefits Evaluation for Battery Energy Storage Systems
Presenter: Patrick Balducci and Vanshika Fotedar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Vanshika Fotedar, Patrick Balducci, Bishnu Bhattarai, Xu Ma, Di Wu, Md Jan Alam, Bilal Bhatti,Tom McDermott, Alasdair Crawford, and Kendall Mongird
Sharing energy storage systems in renewable energy community
Presenter: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Nicola Sorrentino, D. Menniti, A. Pinnarelli
14.15-15.45 – concurrent sessions n. 21-22
21. Current energy market dynamics
Chair: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE S.p.A., Italy
Oil and the dollar comovements: Is shale oil a game changer?
Presenter: Benhmad François, Université de Montpellier, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Benhmad François
Productivity effects of hydraulic fracturing
Presenter: Charles Mason, Department of Economics, University of Wyoming, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Timothy Fitzgerald, Charles Mason
Analyzing Global Petroleum Market Disruptions
Presenter: Barden Justine, U.S. Energy Information Administration, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Emily Sandys, Erik Kreil, Justine Barden
Heat leakage through masonry: a distributed parameters method
Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE S.p.A., Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Giuseppe Dell’Olio
22. Enhancing sustainable mobility
Chair: G.B. Zorzoli, AIEE/ FREE, Italy
Link-based pricing for autonomous vehicle (Avs) performance improvement
Presenter: Qixing Wang, University of Connecticut and Chongqing University, USA/China
Authors: Qixing Wang, Yuan Niu, Jie Wu, Chengliang Wang
Social Norms: Jeopardizing the Transition of Energy Systems towards Sustainability? – The Example of Private Car Purchasers in Germany
Presenter: Lisa Hanna Broska, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research – System Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE), Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Stefan Vögele, Lisa Hanna Broska, Sebastian Otte, Dirk Rübbelke
Sustainable solutions for the transport sector
Presenter: Andrea Ciommi, Institutional Relations Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific CNH Industrial, Italy
Author: Andrea Ciommi
Development of electromobility in Poland from pespective of young logistics
Presenter:Wojciech Drożdż, Enea Operator, Poland
Authors: Wojciech Drożdż
Conference Closing