1st AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Milan, 30 Novembre – 2 December, 2016
Bicocca University
1st AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
1st AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
Milan, 30 Novembre – 2 December, 2016
The first edition of the international conference “AIEE Energy Symposium – Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security” was organized in Milan from 30 November to 2 December, in collaboration with the Bicocca University.
A two days event with the participation of over 200 participants, from 27 countries, experts, researchers, teachers, managers of the main Italian and foreign energy companies. In the various concurrent sessions of the conference, in addition to the scientific contribution guaranteed by the presence of researchers sent by the most important universities and research institutes in the world to present their papers, the companies contribution was very important for the success of the symposium. The issues of particular interest were the gas market, with particular attention to the role of the Russian Federation, the electricity market, energy efficiency in the industrial and civil sectors, strategies to contain climate change, energy storage, the use of renewable sources, the environmental policies. Among the most debated geopolitical issues we recall the important role of Turkey in the international context for European energy supplies. The problem of climate change and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions were also in the center of the debate. The KAPSARC Research Institute of Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centers) organized a special session on “Renewables and Diversification in Energy-Producing Countries”. The event was organized in 5 plenary sessions and 24 parallel sessions with more than 100 presentations.
Wednesday – November 30, 2016
16:30-17:30 – Opening Welcome Address
Carlo Di Primio, AIEE Vice President
Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE President and General Chair
Guido Bortoni, President AEEGSI, the Italian regulatory authority for electricity, gas and water services
Lucia Visconti Parisio, Head of the Economy Department, Bicocca University
Thursday – December 1, 2016
09.00 -10.30 – Concurrent sessions n. 1-4
1. The impact of oil price fluctuation
Chair: Alberto Pincherle, AIEE, Italy
Macroeconomic and Financial Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Evidence for the Euro Area
Presenter: Claudio Morana, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Claudio Morana
Reserves at Risk: Planning with Deep Uncertainty and High Complexity
Presenter: Umberto Perna, Eni S.p.A. & CNR-ISC, Italy
Author: Umberto Perna, Vanessa Ulivieri
A Model Proposal to Estimate the Effect of Oil Price on Renewable Energy Consumption, Case Study: Europe
Presenter:Mazzarano Matteo, University of Bologna, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mazzarano Matteo, Amirhossein Fattahi
The effects of structural breaks on the long run level of oil and oil products. Evidence from the last two oil price crashes
Presenter: Rodríguez-Monroy Carlos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rodríguez-Monroy Carlos, Pablo A. Cansado-Bravo
The effects of exogenous oil supply shocks on the economic growth of selected Mediterranean countries
Presenter: Matteo Manera, University of Milan – Bicocca, Italy
Authors: Marzio Galeotti, Matteo Manera, Andrea Bastianin
2. Promoting or imposing energy efficiency
Chair: Carlo Mari, University of Pescara, Italy
Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliancess
Presenter: Nilkanth Kumar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Authors: Blasch Julia E., Massimo Filippini, Nilkanth Kumar
Examining the energy rebound effect in South Africa within a BRICS countries context
Presenter: Inglesi-Lotz Roula, Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, South Africa>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Inglesi-Lotz Roula
Economic and sectoral impacts of energy efficiency targets: a general equilibrium approach for Portugal
Presenter: Carla Teotónio, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Teotónio Carla, Miguel Rodriguez-Mendez, Peter Roebeling, Patrícia Fortes da Silva
3. Energy roadmap to 2050
Chair: G.B. Zorzoli, AIEE, Italy
Economic Feasibility of Wind Energy Participation in Secondary Reserves Markets
Presenter: Thompson Andrew, Vedecom/Université Paris-Saclay, France>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Thompson Andrew
Allocation of renewable generation from an energy portfolio
Presenter: Scala Antonio, CNR-ISC -Istituto Sistemi Complessi, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Scala Antonio, Angelo Facchini, Umberto Perna
The Phase out of Coal in Britain and Germany: A Comparative Analysis of Drivers and Barriers
Presenter: Ball Christopher, Forschungszentrum Jülich IEK-STE, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Paul Kunz, Christopher Ball
4. The challenges of electricity market design
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE and University of Perugia, Italy
The Significance of Calendar Effects in the Electricity Market
Presenter: Kun Li, Business School, Beijing Normal University, China>>> PRESENTATION
Author: Kun Li, Joseph D. Cursio
Renewable energy and its impact on thermal generation
Presenter: Graf Christoph, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Graf Christoph, Claudio Marcantonini
Economic and Operational Assessment of Established and New Reserve Methods and Metrics for Electric Grids with High Shares of Renewables
Presenter: Gürses Gonca, RWTH Aachen University, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Gürses Gonca, Jared Garrison, Reinhard Madlener
Studying the impact of the changing energy landscape on alternative market design
Presenter: Frayer Julia, London Economics International LLC, United Kingdom>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Frayer Julia, Azraa Zoomerwalla, Mugwe Kiragu
10.30-11.30 – Dual plenary sessions
Energy security of supply and market developments
Chair: Giuseppe Gatti, President Energia Concorrente, Italy
Kostas Andriosopoulos, Executive Director, Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM), Grece – >>> PRESENTATION
Giorgio Crugnola, , RnD Manager, FZSONICK, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Felice Egidi, Senior Advisor Assoelettrica, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Chico Testa, President Sorgenia, Italy
Regulatory challenges and market developments
Chair: Alessandro Ortis, Honoray President of MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy Regulators), Past President of the Italian Authority – ARERA,
Clara Poletti, Director of the Regulatory Department of AEEGSI, the Italian regulatory authority for electricity, gas and water services
Jean-Michel Glachant Director of the Florence School of Regulation, Loyola de Palacio Chair at the European University Institute, Italy
Carlo Andrea Bollino,, President AIEE, Professor University of Perugia, Italy
11.30 -13.00 – Concurrent sessions n. 5-8
5. The gas market: new perspectives? (Part I)
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
Hub-Based Gas Sourcing for Market Liquidity and Continuity of Supply
Presenter: : Cuijpers Chris, Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG), Belgium >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Cuijpers Chris, Andreas Tirez
Causes and consequences of boom-bust cycles in natural gas production assets investments
Presenter: Joël Enderlin , ENGIE, Strategy Division, Center of Expertise in Economic and Modeling Studies, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Enderlin Joël, Benoît Dal Ferro
Investigating price determinant factors in European natural gas long-term contract
Presenter: Hanee Ryu, Seoul National University, Korea >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Ryu Hanee, Hyoji Choi, Yeonbae Kim
6 . Energy Efficiency in buildings
Chair: Chair: Antonio Geracitano, EOS Consulting S.p.A
Some like it hot: An experiment on comfort expectations and energy retrofit decisions
Presenter: Veronica Galassi, RWTH Aachen University, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Reinhard Madlener, Veronica Galassi
Global economic potential from moderate and deep retrofit of building envelopes in residential and services sectors from an energy system perspective
Presenter: Cristian Hernán Cabrera Pérez, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Cabrera Cristian, Ksenia Petrichenko, Olexandr Balyk, Jay Gregg Sterling
A Structural Analysis of the Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects in Residential Heating
Presenter: Cécile Hediger, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hediger Cécile, Mehdi Farsi, Sylvain Weber
Evidence, drivers and sources of distortions in the distribution of building energy ratings prior to and after energy efficient retrofitting
Presenter: Matthew Collins, Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Collins Matthew, John Curtis
Modular advanced monitoring and control system for increasing energy efficiency in existing buildings
Presenter: Bogdan Onose, ICPE SA – Energy Division, Romania
Author: Bogdan Onose
7 . Energy supply & security
Chair: John Roberts, Natural Gas World, UK
The Evolution of the Energy Security Concept: New Threats to Supply Security
Presenter: Irie Kazutomo, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Irie Kazutomo
Outsourcing Land in Search for Energy Security: Still a Controversial Matter
Presenter: Rachel Ravagnani, State University of Campinas, Brasil
Authors: Rachel Ravagnani, Carlos Augusto Matuguma, Luis Renato Vedovato
Impacts of Czech brown coal mines enlargement: assessment by energy model TIMES
Presenter: Rečka Lukáš, Charles University Environment Center, Czech Republic >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Rečka Lukáš, Milan Ščasný
Turkey’s Role in Energy Security
Presenter: John Roberts, Natural Gas World, UK
Author: John Roberts
8 . Power markets regulation
Chair: Fatma Çiğdem Çelik, Okan University, Department of Economics, Turkey
Is larger always better? Economics of power market integration
Presenter: Philipp Dees, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Economics, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Philipp Dees
Demand participation in ancillary service markets
Presenter: Elena Fumagalli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elena Fumagalli, Bastian Westbrock
The new Italian capacity remuneration mechanism. A deterministic modeling and simulation approach
Presenter: Giorgio Perico, REF-E Economics Engineering Energy Environment, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Dalena Michele, Virginia Canazza, Giorgio Perico
Optimal operation of power distribution networks with renewable generation and storage devices
Presenter: Vespucci Maria Teresa, University of Bergamo>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Vespucci M.T. Diana Moneta, Paolo Pisciella, Giacomo Viganò
13.00 -14.00 – Lunch break
14.00 -15.30 – Concurent sessions n. 9-12
9 . European gas market evolution
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
A natural Gas Trading Platform for Japan
Presenter: Hashimoto Satoru, Teikyo University, Japan>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hashimoto Satoru, Andrew Kleit
Russian LNG: competitiveness in the European natural gas market, the case of Italy
Presenter: Irina Mironova, NERPO Research Center, European University at Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Authors: Irina Mironova
The Economics of Natural Gas Storages in North Western European Markets
Presenter: Chi-Kong Chyong, EPRG, University of Cambridge, U.K>>> PRESENTATION
Authors:Chi-Kong Chyong, David Reiner
10. Energy and Industrial Competitiveness
Chair:Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University , Italy
Natural gas: Renewables supporter or opponent
Presenter: Valeria Palmisano, Edison, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Valeria Palmisano
Economic impact of environmental and energy policies in Italy
Presenter: Cristina Brandimarte, ISTAT, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Cristina Brandimarte
The fossil fuel subsidies to the energy sector in Italy
Presenter: Mario Iannotti, Italian Ministry of Environment, Land & Sea – Directorate-General Sustainable Development and Relations with the EU and International Organizations – A.T. Sogesid, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mario Iannotti
The cost and value of energy storage systems
Presenter: Manfred Weissenbacher, University of Malta, Malta >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Weissenbacher Manfred
Legal issues on renewable incentives in Italy
Presenter: Daria Capotorto, Agnoli e Giuggioli Law firm, Italy
Authors: Daria Capotorto
11. Energy supply & security: some experiences
Chair: Angelica Gianfreda, University Bicocca, Italy
Energy export strategies of the central Asian Caspian region
Presenter: Bakdolotov Aidyn, National Laboratory Astana, Kazakhstan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Bakdolotov Aidyn, Rocco De Miglio, Yerbol Akhmetbekov, Kanat Baigarin
The evolving international gas market and energy security in Nigeria: regulatory and policy issues
Presenter: Tade Oyewunmi, Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, UEF Law School, Finland >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Oyewunmi Tade
Rebel attacks against energy infrastructure and electoral contestation: a case study of Colombia
Presenter: Rebecca Lordan-Perret, University of Chicago and The Paul Scherrer Institute, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Lordan-Perret Rebecca, Austin Wright, Peter Burgherr, Matteo Spada, Robert Rosner
Japan’s energy policy
Presenter: Zhuoxiang Yang, The University of Tokyo, Japan >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Yang Zhuoxiang
12. Regulation of energy markets: some experiences
Chair: Ionut Purica, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment and Agency for Nuclear Energy
and Radioactive Waste
Strategies for Energy Investments: Is There a Case of Foreign Country Bias? Case of Switzerland
Presenter: Yuliya Karneyeva, University of St. Gallen, Switzeralnd>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Yuliya Karneyeva
The Nordic/Baltic Spot Electric Power System Price: Nonlinear Error-Shock Analysis
Presenter: Per Bjarte Solibakke, NTNU Faculty of Economics, Norway>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Solibakke Per Bjarte
Enabling Demand Response in Poland: Understanding the major factors that impact the uptake of demand response
Presenter: Katarzyna Ewa Rollert, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Katarzyna Ewa Rollert
System Risk and Mark up in fossil production
Presenter: Silvana Stefani, University Bicocca, Italy
Authors: Paolo Falbo, Daniele Felletti, Silvana Stefani
15.30 -17.00 – Concurrent sessions n. 13-16
13. The gas market: new perspectives? (Part II)
Chair: Vittorio D’Ermo, AIEE, Italy
Export of Russian natural gas to Europe
Presenter: Golombek Rolf, Frisch Centre, Norway>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rolf Golombek, Arild Moe, Knut Einar Rosendahl, Hilde Hallre Le Tissier
Natural gas: Renewables supporter or opponent
Presenter: Vlahakis Aryestis, Center for Economics Research ETH Zurich, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Vlahakis Aryestis
Availability of gas in the European Union in a dynamic geo-political and commercial context
Presenter: Alexandru Maxim, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, CERNESIM Environmental Research Center, Romania >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Maxim Alexandru
14. Sectoral approach to energy efficiency in industry
Chair: Paolo Gentili, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Italy
Measuring the efficiency of energy-intensive industries across 23 European countries
Presenter: Georgia Makridou, ESCP Europe Business School, U.K.>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Makridou Georgia, Kostas Andriosopoulos, Michael Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis
Industry level production functions and energy use in within a growth framework
Presenter: Maria del Pablo-Romero, University of Seville, Spain>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Antonio Sánchez-Braza, Maria del Pablo-Romero
Energy efficiency trends in EU industrial sectors
Presenter: Francesco Marghella, AIEE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Marghella Francesco
15. The challenges of climate change
Chair: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University
Why do we prefer below 2 degree warming world and how do we act in the different conditions?
Presenter: Mori Shunsuke, Tokyo University of Science, Japan>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Mori Shunsuke
Pollutant Abatement Investment under Technological Uncertainty
Presenter: Motoh Tsujimura, Doshisha University, Japan>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Motoh Tsujimura, Akira Maeda
Overlapping policies and clean technology adoption under endogenous uncertainty
Presenter: Boffa Federico, University of Bolzano, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Boffa Federico , Stefano Clò, Alessio D’Amato
Coping with the collapse: a stock-flow consistent monetary macrodynamics of global warming
Presenter: Emmanuel Bovari, Agence Française de Développement – Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Giraud Gaël, Florent McIsaac, Emmanuel Bovari, Ekaterina Zatsepina
16. The electricity market: an overview for the future
Chair: Alberto Pincherle, AIEE, Italy
Technical due diligence analysis of the efficient system for users (SEU)
Presenter: Antonio Geracitano, EOS Consulting S.p.A., Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Geracitano Antonio, Emanuele Riccobene
Assessing public policy support to wind power generation in reunion island
Presenter: Vincent Deodat, Center of Economics and Management of the Indian Ocean (CEMOI), University of Reunion, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Deodat Vincent, Fabrizio Carlevaro
Vertical integration and retail tariff design in electricity markets
Presenter: Andreas Knaut, Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne, Germany>>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Knaut Andreas
Future of Electricity. How innovation & disruption will reshape the power sector
Presenter: Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, Menlo Energy Economics, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Fereidoon P. Sioshansi
Friday – December 2, 2016
09.00 -10.30 – Concurrent sessions n. 17-20
17. Strategic contribution of energy storage to energy security
Chair: Arturo Lorenzoni, University of Padua, Italy
Renewable Energy and Storage: A Diffusion Analysis
Presenter: Anjali Nursimulu, Energy Center, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Authors: Nursimulu Anjali
Energy Storage in Solar Power Plants in the Italian Energy Markets
Presenter:Davide Carminati, Energy consultant, Italy
Authors: Davide Carminati
Stochastic system LCOE and optimal integration of intermitting renewable sources
Presenter: Carlo Mari, University of Pescara >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carlo Mari, Carlo Lucheroni
18. Behavioural energy economics
Chair: Sonnenschein Jonas, IIIEE, Lund University
An integrated and participatory sustainable urban-energy planning methodology for the city of Cesena
Presenter: Rocco De Miglio, E4SMA srl, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rocco De Miglio, Maurizio Gargiulo, Alessandro Chiodi
Switch off the light, please! Energy consumption, aging population and consumption habits
Presenter: Rossella Bardazzi, University of Florence, Department of Economics and Management, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Bardazzi Rossella, Maria Grazia Pazienza
Household customers choice of electricity retailer
Presenter: Kari-Anne Fange, Ostfold University College, Norway >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Fange Kari-Anne, Olvar Bergland
19. Environmental policy and security: an overview
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia, Italy
Environmental policies in the Big Three: EU, US, and China, in a Bayesian DSGE model
Presenter:Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia & AIEE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Carlo Andrea Bollino, Amedeo Argentiero, Tarek Atalla, Simona Bigerna, Silvia Micheli, Paolo Polinori
Evaluation of energy consumption and air pollution externalities due to cruise ships in ports
Presenter: Manolis Souliotis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
Authors: Papaefthimiou Spiros. George Nikoloudakis, Stelios Tsafarakis, Manolis Souliotis, Kostas Andriosopoulos
Fossil fuels assets’ exposure to carbon policy: will stranding risk increase in a post COP21 agreement world?
Presenter: Isabella Alloisio, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Agatino Nicita, Gaetano Maggio, Antonio P.F. Andaloro, Gaetano Squadrito
20. Innovation in power markets
Chair: Silvana Stefani, University Bicocca, Italy
The Political Economy of Energy Innovation
Presenter: Elena Verdolini, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Shouro Dasgupta, Enrica De Cian, Elena Verdolini
Consumer and value creation in the utility of the future: an experiment in the Italian solar PV market
Presenter: Veronica Galassi, Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN), RWTH Aachen University, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Veronica Galassi, Reinhard Madlener
The RES-induced Switching Effect Across Fuels: an Analysis of the Italian Balancing Prices with Their Connected Costs
Presenter: Angelica Gianfreda, DEMS, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Angelica Gianfreda, Lucia Parisio, Matteo Pelagatti
10.30 -11.30 – Dual Plenary Sessions
Energy challenges in the industrial sectors: the transition to a low-carbon economy
Chair: Pippo Ranci, Professor of Economic Policy at the Università Cattolica, Italy
Luca Bragoli, Head of International and Institutional Affairs ERG, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Gianni Murano, President Esso Italiana, Italy>>> PRESENTATION
Salvatore Pinto, President Axpo, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Europe Roadmap to 2050 and the future strategies of the energy industry
Chair: Felice Egidi, Head of European Public Affairs Enel, Italy
Manfred Hafner, Partner and Vice-President Consulting of Enerdata, France, >>> PRESENTATION
Claudio Spinaci, President Unione Petrolifera, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Paolo Gallo, CEO Italgas, Italy
11.30 -13.00 – Concurrent sessions n. 21-24
21. Technology development – grid management
Chair: Francesco Marghella, AIEE, Italy
Distribution network vulnerability assessment
Presenter: Alfonso Santos, iX Estudos e Projetos Ltda, Brasil >
Authors: Camilo Raimundo Silva Pereira, Afonso Santos, Rodolfo Lima, Ricardo Cruz
Economic optimization of electricity supply security in light of the interplay between transmission system and distribution system operator
Presenter: Jacob Tran, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Author: Jacob Tran, Alexander Fuchs, Reinhard Madlener
Why smart metering in Italian water cycle : more than an opportunity
Presenter: Francesco Albasser, Studio Ingegneria, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Albasser Francesco
Barriers to entry in frequency-regulation services markets: review of the status quo and options for improvements
Presenter: Olivier Borne, Centrale Supélec, France
Author: Borne Olivier, Yannick Perez, Klaas Korte
22. KAPSARC Special Session – Discussion of the Special Issue of the Energy Journal: “Renewables and Diversification in Heavily Energy Subsidized Economies”
Chair: Axel Pierru, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE, Italy
Tarek Atalla, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Kostas Andriosopoulos, Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM), UK
Marzio Galeotti, Department of Environmental and Energy Economics University of Milan, Italy
Tooraj Jamasb, Durham Energy Institute. U.K
Lucia Visconti Parisio, University Bicocca, Italy
23. Climate policy and emission trading
Chair: Antonio Geracitano, EOS Consulting S.p.A, Italy
A multicriteria assessment approach to the energy trilemma
Presenter: Pliousis Athanasios, Technical University of Crete, Grece >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Andriosopoulos Kostas, Michael Doumpos, Athanasios Pliousis
Climate Change, Hydropower Dam Capacity, and Flood-Overtopping
Presenter: Yuan Niu, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Connecticut, USA >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Niu Yuan, Farhed Shah
Environmental taxation in a globalized economy
Presenter: Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Agime Gerbetti
Policy Adaptation for Scaling up Renewables
Presenter: Jaime Legerén Álvarez, Energy Center, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Legerén Álvarez Jaime, Anjali Nursimulu
24. Policies for Res technologies
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, University of Milano Bicocca, Faculty of Economics, Italy
The impact of electricity subsidy removal on renewable electricity generation. The case of Bangladesh
Presenter: Sakib Amin, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Amin Sakib
Regional redistribution effects of support to renewables
Presenter: Alessandro Sapio, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sapio Alessandro
Optimization Strategies for Sustainable Energy Development in Angola – A Multi-Stage Approach
Presenter: Artur Barreiros, Departament of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Jone Heitor, Artur Barreiros, Barradas Cardoso
Impact of Emission Trading on the Energy-mix
Presenter: Paolo Falbo, University of Brescia, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: A. Bersani, Paolo Falbo, Loretta Mastroeni
13.00-14.00 – Lunch break
14.00-15.00 – Plenary session
European perspectives in the global energy context
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, President AIEE, Italy
Laura Cozzi, Head Demand Division World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency, France >>> PRESENTATION
Samuele Furfari, Adviser to the Director General of DG ENERGY, European Commission
Alessandro Clerici, Honorary President WEC Italy >>> PRESENTATION
15.00 -16.00 – Concurrent sessions n. 25-26
25. The future of transport
Chair: Simone Casadei, INNOVHUB Stazioni Sperimentali per l’Industria
Energy literacy, environmental attitudes and efficient vehicle ownership
Presenter: Bettina Hirl, University of Lugano, Switzerland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Bettina Hirl, Massimo Filippini, Adan L. Martinez-Cruz
Modelling Modal Shift within TIMES Energy System Models
Presenter: Jacopo Tattini, DTU Management, Energy System Analysis Group, Denmark >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Tattini Jacopo, Kenneth Karlsson, Maurizio Gargiulo
Toll Rate and Vehicle Carbon Monoxide Emission
Presenter: Qixing Jason Wang, University of Connecticut, USA
Authors: ang Jason Qixing, Yuan Niu
Potential for biogas generation of the operating landfills on Brazil
Presenters: Alfonso Santos, iX Estudos e Projetos, Brasil
Author: Lima Rodolfo, Afonso Santos, Ana Cristina Pereira, Barbara Flauzino, Camilo Pereira
26. Student Session (Student Best Paper Award)
Chair: Alessandro Sapio, University of Naples Parthenope
sponsored by
Vertical integration and retail tariff design in electricity markets
Presenter: Andreas Knaut, Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Knaut Andreas
Economic Feasibility of Wind Energy Participation in Secondary Reserves Markets
Presenter: Thompson Andrew, Vedecom/Université Paris-Saclay, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Thompson Andrew
Testing Persistence of the WTI and Brent Long-run Relationship after the Shale oil Supply Shock
Presenter: Elham Talebbeydokhti, University of Padova, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Elham Talebbeydokhti
Forecasting Italian electricity market prices using Neural Network and Support Vector Regression techniques
Presenter: Federica Davò, University of Bergamo and RSE-Milan >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Federica Davò
Conference Closing