7th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
– the energy crisis, the impact on the transition roadmap –
14-16 December, 2022
7th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
–the energy crisis, the impact on the transition roadmap –
14-16 December, 2022
Conference programme of the 7th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security 2022
Wednesday – December 14, 2022
15:30-17:00 – Opening Welcome Address
(h 15.20-15.30 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 15.30-17.00)
G.B. Zorzoli, AIEE President, Conference General Chair
Matteo Di Castelnuovo, Associate Professor SDA Bocconi School of Management, President of the Programme Committee
Carlo Di Primio, AIEE Past President, Steering Committee Chair
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Honorary President AIEE and Chair of the Organization Committee
Keynote speakers:
Majid Al Moneef, Chairman of the International Advisory Committee of King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), Saudi Arabia
Perspectives of the impact of energy transitions on the oil and gas producing states
Guido Bortoni, President of CESI – Italian Electrical and Technical Experimental Center, Italy
Ensuring energy security while keeping an unbumped decarbonisation pattern
Lu-Tao Zhao, Professor in School of Management and Economics and deputy director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
How does the crowd sentiment of investors affect international crude oil prices? Evidence from COVID-19 pandemic >>> PRESENTATION
Fereidoon Sioshansi, President Menlo Energy Economics, USA
The Ukraine crisis: Who are the winners and losers? >>> PRESENTATION
Thursday – December 15, 2022
09.00 -10.30 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 1-4 (1h.30′ each)
(h 08.50-09.00 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 09.00-10.30)
1. Solar Energy Market: trend, industry analysis and forecast
Chair: Silvana Mima, Senior Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) at. Grenoble Applied Laboratory (GAEL), France
Willingness to pay for uninterrupted electricity supply from interconnected solar mini-grids in a developing economy
Presenter: Dilinna Lucy Nwobi, University of Ibadan, Nigeria >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Alexander Akolo, Dilinna Lucy Nwobi, Adejumoke Akinbusoye
Forming solar business prosumers class: the case of Ukraine
Presenter: Iryna Sotnyk, Sumy State University, Ukraine >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Iryna Sotnyk, Tetiana Kurbativa
EU Energy Resilience, A Financial Analysis of Extra-Territorial Solar PV Power Plants as a Solution
Presenter: Amir Alborz Moezzi, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Amir Alborz Moezzi, Alireza Shadmand, Fazel M.Farimani
2. The Electricity market: risks and opportunities
Chair: Nevenka Hrovatin, Professor School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana
Strategic interaction between wholesale and ancillary service markets
Presenter: Douglas Silveira, University of Alberta, Canada >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: David Brown, Andrew Eckert, Douglas Silveira
Robustness analysis of power systems with a high share of renewables
Presenter: Natalia Naval, University of Zaragoza, Spain >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Jose M. Yusta, Natalia Naval, Jorge Delgado
On the impact of nuclear power generation on electricity spot prices: A French perspective
Presenter: François Benhmad, Montpellier University, France
Authors: François Benhmad, Jacques Percebois
Coupling European long-term electricity market with joint energy and transmission right auction – Institutional setting, market mechanism and grid modelling comparison between nodal pricing and flow based zonal pricing
Presenter: Diyun Huang, University of Leuven, Belgium
Authors: Diyun Huang and Geert Deconinck
3. Energy efficiency and renewable energy
Chair: Anna Creti, Professor University Paris-Dauphine, France
How Does the Provincial Renewable Energy Demand Evolve under Multiple Influence Factors? An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Data
Presenter: Siqi Meng, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Authors: Siqi Meng, Renjin Sun
Evaluating the interaction between energy efficiency, demand response and electric system reliability
Presenter: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy
Authors: Nicola Sorrentino, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli, Fiorella Stella, Gaetano Polizzi
Potential reduction projection of residential energy consumption and analysis of local economic impact with a perspective on traditional timber houses in Japan–a case study of Kyoto city
Presenter: Yan Chuyue, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Energy Science, Japan
Authors: Yan Chuyue, Hideki Nakata, Mitsuru Sato, Seiichi Ogata
Explicit demand response for small end-users and independent aggregators
Presenter: Iolanda Saviuc, European Commission DG JRC, Italy, >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Paolo Bertoldi, Iolanda Saviuc
4. Energy transition and energy security efforts
Chair: Antonio Geracitano, Head of Relations with stakeholders and Academia, Terna Italy
Energy Transition and Energy Security in Germany: A Path to Sustainability and Security
Presenter: Ridwan Rusli, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Author: Ridwan Rusli, Youngho Chang, Jackson Teh
Peaceful uses of nuclear energy in less industrialized countries: challenges, opportunities and acceptance
Presenter: Adam Cohen, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Authors: Jeffrey Binder, Adam Cohen, Antonio Muller, Ricardo Raineri
CO2 Capture and segregation technologies
Presenter: Sofia Bufoli, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sofia Bufoli
Valuing Mining Resource Information and Search
Presenter: Akira Maeda, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Author: Akira Maeda
10.40 -11.40 – Dual Plenary Sessions (1h each)
(h 10.30-10.40 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 10.40-11.40)
The roadmap to 2050 and the energy security concerns
Chair: Alberto Biancardi, Director of studies and international relations · GSE (the Italian energy service system operator.) Italy
speakers invited:
Marco Falcone, Public & Government Affairs Manager, Esso Italiana, Exxon Mobil Group, Italy
Silvia Pariente-David, Consultant on energy and climate change and Senior advisor – Center for Mediterranean Integration, World Bank, France >>> PRESENTATION
Alicia Mignone, Senior Energy Advisor, MAECI and Ex President of the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Angela Picciariello, Senior Researcher, International Institute for Sustainable Development ‐ IISD, Canada >>> PRESENTATION
Regulatory challenges and market developments
Chair: Massimo Ricci, Director of the Wholesale Energy Markets and Environmental Sustainability Department and head of Energy Division of ARERA – The Italian Energy Authority
speakers invited:
Giordano Colarullo, Director General, Utilitalia, Italy
Ozge Ozden, Secretary General ELDER ‐ Association of Electricity Distribution, Turkey >>> PRESENTATION
Elisa Scarpa, Deputy Director Market Strategy & Structuring Edison, Italy
11.50 -13.20 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 5-8 (1h.30′ each)
(h 11.40-11.50 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 11.50-13.20)
5 . Towards carbon neutrality, E-mobility and Energy independence in EU
Chair: Fulvio Fontini, Professor of Economics at the University of Padua, Italy
Impact of e-mobility on distribution systems: the role of smart tariffs for vehicle grid integration
Presenter: Marco Cabano, CESI, Italy
Authors: Marco Cabano, Bruno Cova, David Dresco, Luca Migliorini, Pierluigi Vicini
Feasibility study for the construction of a demonstration plant for the production of E-fuels
Presenter: Franco Del Manso, UNEM, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Franco Del Manso
Towards carbon neutrality and energy independence in Europe: Can new storage and renewables push fossil fuels out?
Presenter: Milien Dhorne, Université Paris Nanterre, France >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Milien Dhorne, Marc Baudry
Collaborative governance for European cross-border network investments – Building inclusive institutions
Presenters: Diyun Huang, Electa department, University of Leuven – Energy Ville, Belgium
Authors: Diyun Huang, Geert Deconinck
6 . Special Session: Energy security concerns in the member states of the SEE
Chair: Ionut Purica, Executive Director of the Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romania
Outlook of Energy situation in SEEurope
Presenter: Costis Stambolis, Chairman IENE Thessaloniki, Greece >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Costis Stambolis
Study of Energy Independence of European Countries in the Context of New Global Security Challenges
Presenter: Michail Zgurovsky, Rector, University of Kyiv, Ukraine >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Michail Zgurovsky, Maryna Kravchenko, Ivan Pyshnograiev
Objectives and Priorities of SEE2030 Strategy – a Regional attempt for sustainable development in SEEurope
Presenter: Arslan Umut Ergezer, Coordinator SEE2030 Strategy, Turkey
Authors: Arslan Umut Ergeger
Security and Resilience in the Energy Sector of Romania
Presenter: Mihai Sanduleac, Faculty of Energetics, Politehnic University Bucharest
Authors: Mihai Sanduleac, Horia Necula
7. Fossil fuel perspective
Chair: Davide Tabarelli, President NE Nomisma Energia, Italy
Research on Carbon Peak Path of Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry from the Perspective of Different Responsibilities
Presenter: Feng Guo, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Author: Feng Guo, Renjin Sun
One great pool, but with varying depth: dynamic efficiency of global crude oil markets?
Presenter: Marc Gronwald, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, UK-China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Marc Gronwald, Sania Wadud, Kingsley Dogah
The interconnections between Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reforms and biofuel mandates
Presenter: Robin Argueyrolles, University of Basel, Switherland >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Robin Argueyrolles, Ruth Delzeit
Extractives: challenges and opportunities for the South in the energy transition
Presenter: Ricardo Raineri, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Authors: Adam Cohen, Ricardo Raineri
8. Special Session – Energy and Carbon Market
Chair: Lu-Tao Zhao, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Allocation of China’s carbon emission allowance considering regional carbon transfer
Presenter: Jie-Ying Zhou, Shenzhen University, China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Jie-Ying Zhou, Quan-De Qin
Peak load shaving key issues and strategies of high-proportion renewable energy power systems
Presenter: Ze-Ping Hu, North China Electric Power University, China >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Ze-Ping Hu, Jin-Liang Zhang
Does carbon market affect risk spillovers between the energy and industry stock market?
Presenter: Hai-yi Liu, University of science and technology Beijing, China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Hai-yi Liu, Ming-Fang Li
Impact of Russian-Ukraine war on energy markets: A forecast-based event assessment
Presenter: Rui-Xiang Qiu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Rui-Xiang Qiu, Lu-Tao Zhao
13.20 -14.20 – Break
14.30 -16.00 – Dual Plenary Sessions (1h.30 each)
(h 14.20-14.30 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 14.30-16.00)
Energy industry challenges to a low-carbon economy, the RES and gas role in the transition
Chair: Carlo Di Primio, AIEE Vice President, Italy
Luca Bragoli, Head of Public Affairs ERG, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Lorenzo Mottura, EVP Strategy, Corporate Development & Innovation, Edison, Italy
Alessio Cipullo, Head of Technical Affairs, Elettricità Futura, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Tamer Emre, Director of Market Operation EPİAŞ – Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST), Turkey
Xavier Rousseau, Senior Vice President Strategy and Market Analysis, Snam, Italy
Sustainable mobility challenges for the transition targets
Chair: Federico Boffa, Professor Libera Università of Bolzano, Italy
Amela Ajanovic, Assiociated Professor, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Mariarosa Baroni, President NGV Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Federico Boffa, Professor Libera Università of Bolzano, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Franco Del Manso, International Environment Affairs Manager UNEM – Energy Union for Mobility, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Leonardo Artico, Industry and Skills Development, MOTUS-E – the European Platform for Mobility, Italy
Sandro Neri, General Manager Federmanager, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
16.10 -17.40 – virtual concurrent sessions (1h.30′ each)
(h 16.00-16.10 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 16.10-17.40)
9 . Circular economy and energy communities
Chair: Gianluca Carrino, Senior Analyst AIEE, Italy
Circular economy, patents and industrial designs: evidence from European countries
Presenter: Enrico Gabriele, LUMSA University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Enrico Gabriele
Renewable energy communities: benefits behind the self consumption
Presenter: Nicola Sorrentino, University of Calabria, Italy
Authors: Nicola Sorrentino, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli, Fiorella Stella, Gaetano Polizzi
Energy communities evaluation: a cost-benefit approach
Presenter: Marina Bertolini, University of Padova, Italy
Authors: Marina Bertolini
10. Potential of new solution: some evidences
Chair: Peter D. Lund Professor in Advanced Energy Systems, Aalto University, Finland
How sustainable is cogeneration? a long-term, real-life evaluation
Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio, GSE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Giuseppe Dell’Olio
The historical evolution of determinants of energy efficient retrofits in residential sector
Presenter: Janez Dolšak, School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Authors: Janez Dolšak
Long term impact of hybrid heat pumps (HHP) on electricity supply security – case study with French energy system
Presenter: Zixuan Wang, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, CMA – Center for Applied Mathematics, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Zixuan Wang, Edi Assoumou, Antoine Monnet
11. The resilience in the electricity market
Chair: Rosaria Vega Pansini, Parliamentary Budget Office – Sectoral Analysis Service, Italy
Time-varying price elasticity of electricity demand
Presenter: Jieyang Chong, University of Reading, U.K
Authors: Jieyang Chong, Jacopo Torriti
Current development on the German day-ahead spot market: curse or blessing for the utilization of flexibility by households?
Presenter: Judith Stute, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems – IEG, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Judith Stute, Matthias Kühnbach
Using retrospective modeling to inform choices in developing bottom-up electricity system models
Presenter: Xin Wen, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Authors: Xin Wen, Marc Jaxa-Rozen, Evelina Trutnevyte
On the possible ways out of the power market conundrum after the big peak for gas in Europe
Presenter: Giovanni Bernardo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Giovanni Bernardo, Francesco Marghella
12. Road to sustainable revolution: Hydrogen and energy recovery
Chair: Livio De Santoli, Professor University La Sapienza, Italy
Energy Transition: H2 and chemicals from waste, an innovative approach
Presenter: Giacomo Rispoli, MyRechemical, NextChem – Maire Tecnimont Group, Italy
Authors: Giacomo Rispoli
A cost-benefit analysis on different energy scenarios for Sardinia: methanization versus electrification, renewables, and hydrogen
Presenter: Linda Cerana, University of Padua, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Linda Cerana, Arturo Lorenzoni
Investment and operational optimization for future hydrogen infrastructure: A Belgian case study
Presenter: Negar Namazifard, KU Leuven, Belgium >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Negar Namazifard, Erik Delarue, Pieter Vingerhoets
Prospects of e-fuels
Presenter: Matteo C. Romano, Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Authors: Matteo C. Romano, Angelo Lunghi, Gabriele Migliavacca
Friday – December 16, 2022
09.00 -10.30 – virtual concurrent sessions n. 13-16 (1h.30′ each)
(h 08.50-09.00 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 09.00-10.30)
13. The EU climate transition: the next steps
Chair: Çelik Çiğdem Professor İstanbul Okan University, Turkey
Risks in the energy system and a multivalued modal logic approach to identify adverse cyber events
Presenter: Ionut Purica, Executive Director of the Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romania
Authors:Ionut Purica
24/7 carbon free energy: system-level impacts of hourly clean electricity markets, and lessons from the UK on their implementation.
Presenter: Sebastian Porter, University SDA Bocconi, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Sebastian Porter
Security as a Changing Parameter/Factor in Foreign Energy and Security Policy and the Implementation: The Case of the European Union and People´s Republic of China in Central Asia
Presenter: Johanna G.B. Rust, Foundation of the German Economy, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Johanna G.B. Rust
14. Geopolitics of energy: challenges and changing
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, Bicocca University, Italy
Carbon dioxide emission baseline forecasts for Saudi Arabia using the structural time series model and autometrics
Presenter: Jeyhun Mikayilov, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Jeyhun Mikayilov, Anwar Gasim, Lester Hunt
Social Cues and Electricity Consumption: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Armenia
Presenter: Yermone Sargsyan, Institute of Economic Studies Charles University Prague, Czeck Republic
Authors: Yermone Sargsyan, Salim Turdaliev, Silvester van Koten
The price of gas in Europe: toward an epochal change
Presenter: Vittorio D’Ermo, Luiss University, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Vittorio D’Ermo, Diego Gavagnin
15. Economic and financial aspects of the energy market
Chair: Maximilian Rinck, Head of “New Concepts and Technologies” at VIK e.V., Germany
Selling under other skies when energy prices skyrocket: how do the companies adapt their export strategy when energy prices rise?
Presenter: Stéphanie Monjon, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL Research University, France >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Damien Dussaux Stéphanie Monjon
Financial Transparency and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Extractives Industries
Presenter: Şevkat Özgür Speitmann, University of Vienna, Austria >>> PRESENTATION
Authors: Şevkat Özgür Speitmann, Raffael Speitmann
Challenges determining the capacity value by using the effective load carrying capacity in power systems transitioning to net zero carbon emissions
Presenter: Jorge Moreno, Partner at Inodú, Cile >>> PRESENTATION >>> VIDEO
Authors: Jorge Moreno, Donny Holaschutz, Altamiro Piña, Lucas Neira
16. Energy and economy: examples of interconnection
Chair: Arturo Lorenzoni, Professor, University of Padua, Italy
The PULVIRUS Project: A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Impact of COVID-19 on the Italian Economy and Energy System
Presenter: Antonio Caputo, ISPRA, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Author: Cecilia Camporeale, Antonio Caputo, Emanuele Peschi
Measuring multi-scale connectedness between green bonds and equities using a Thick Pen method
Presenter: Presenter: Marc Gronwald, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, UK-China >>> PRESENTATION >>> VIDEO
Authors: Marc Gronwald, Sania Wadud
Electricity Consumption, Foreign Direct Investments, Carbon dioxide Emissions and Economic Growth in Uganda
Presenter: Geoffrey Mutumba, Kyambogo University, Uganda
Author: Geoffrey Mutumba, Tomson Odongo
10.40 -11.40 – Dual Plenary Sessions (1h each)
(h 10.30-10.40 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – session 10.40-11.40)
Grid security and new technologies
Chair: Luciano Martini, Director Department of Transmission and Distribution Technologies, RSE (Energy Systems Research), Italy
speakers invited
Salvatore Pinto, President Axpo Italia
Massimo Salvetti, Grid Modernization & Innovation Director, CESI, Italy
Simone Botton, Head of Network Operation and Maintenance at Enel Grids, Italy
Energy Efficiency and the future strategies of the energy industry
Chair: Aaron Praktiknjo – Chair for Energy Systems Economics at RWTH Aachen University. He is President of the German Association for Energy Sciences
speakers invited:
Federico Santi, Professor University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Giuseppe Mastropieri, CEO REA Srl – Reliable Energy Advisors, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
Livio De Chicchis, Energy management analyst, Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency – FIRE, Italy >>> PRESENTATION
12.00 -13.00 – Dual Plenary Sessions (1h.00′ each)
(h11.50-12.00 – test of the technical settings with the speakers – h12.00-13.00 – session)
The Hydrogen revolution and the future of clean energy
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE Honorary President, Professor University of Perugia, Italy
Shahid Hasan, Research Fellow, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Alessio Gambato, Technology Development Manager Decarbonization Projects >>> PRESENTATION
Marco Pezzaglia, Founder & Principal Professione Energia Group, The Energy Professionals, Chairman COGEN Europe, Italy >>> PRESENTATION , Italy
The Energy security in the new geopolitical context
Chair: Robebrto Potì, Vice President Confindustria Energia, Italy
Alessandro Giraudo, Professor of International Finance and Geopolitics ISG and INSEEC-Paris and Cusano University-Rome
Martin Vladimirov, Director Еnergy and Climate Program Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria
Robebrto Potì, Vice President Confindustria Energia, Italy
Simone Mori, Head of Europe at the Enel Group, Italy
Conference Closing
Plenary sessions speakers

G.B. Zorzoli
AIEE President

Carlo D Primio
AIEE Vice President

Matteo Di Castelnuovo
Associate Professor of Practice in Energy Economics, SDA Bocconi, Italy, President of the Scientific Committee

Carlo Andrea Bollino
IAEE Past President, Chair of the Organization Committee

Chairman of the International Advisory Committee of KAPSARC,

Guido Bortoni
President of CESI, Italy

Fereidoon Sioshansi
President Menlo Energy Economics, USA

Lu-Tao Zhao
Professor, Deputy Director Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Alberto Biancardi
Director of studies and international relations · GSE

Marco Falcone
Government Relations and Issues Manager, Esso Italiana, Exxon Mobil Group

Silvia Pariente-David
Senior advisor and consultant on energy and climate change – Center for Mediterranean Integration, World Bank

Alicia Mignone
Senior Energy Advisor, MAECI and Ex President of the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology, Italy

Director General, Utilitalia, Italy

Mustafa Özge Özden
Secretary General ELDER ‐ Association of Electricity Distribution, Turkey

Massimo Ricci
Director of the Wholesale Energy Markets and Environmental Sustainability, ARERA – The Italian Energy Authority

Head of Market Analysis, Structuring & Pricing at Edison, Italy

Luca Bragoli
Chief Regulatory & Public Affairs Officer ERG, Italy

Alessio Cipullo
Head of Technical Affairs, Elettricità Futura, Italy

Simone Botton
Head of Field Operations Management
at Enel Global Infrastructure & Networks, Enel Group, Italy

Amela Ajanovic
Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist, Vienna University of Technology

Franco Del Manso
International Environment Affairs Manager UNEM – Energy Union for Mobility, Italy

Sandro Neri
Federmanager – Federation of Italian Managers

Professor Libera Università of Bolzano, Italy

Mariarosa Baroni
President NGV Italy

Head Industry and Skills Development, Motus-E, Italy

Salvatore Pinto
President Axpo Italia

Livio De Chicchis
Energy management analyst, Italian Federation for energy efficiency – FIRE, Italy

Massimo Salvetti
Grid Modernization & Innovation Director, CESI, Italy

Aaron Praktiknjo
Chair for Energy Systems Economics at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Federico Santi
Professor University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy

Gianni Silvestrini
Scientific Director Kyoto Club, President Exalto, Italy

Shahid Hasan
Senior Research Fellow KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia

Alessio Gambato
Technology Development Manager Decarbonization Projects, Snam, Italy

Simone Mori
Director Europe Area Enel Group, Italy

Senior Vice President Strategy and Market Analysis, Snam

Martin Vladimirov
Director Еnergy and Climate Program Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria

Alessandro Giraudo
Professor of International Finance and Geopolitics ISG and INSEEC-Paris

Angela Picciariello
Senior Researcher, International Institute for Sustainable Development ‐ IISD, Canada

Tamer Emre
Director of Market Operation EPİAŞ, Turkey

CEO REA Srl – Reliable Energy Advisors, Italy

Lorenzo Mottura
Deputy Director-Strategy, Development & Innovation Edison, Italy

Roberto Potì
Vice President Confindustria Energia, Italy

Marco Pezzaglia
Founding Partner Efficiencyknow S.r.l., Chairman COGEN Europe, Italy

Director Department of Transmission and Distribution Technologies, RSE, Italy
7th AIEE Energy Symposium – Conference Proceedings
ISBN 9788894278132 – publication date: December 31st, 2022