8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security


Padua, 28-30 November, 2024

8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security


Padua, 28-30 November, 2024

with the scientific in cooperation  and support of the Centre “Giorgio Levi Casses” – University of Padua

Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economy and Technology
at the University of Padua

The 8th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security will be organized this year with the scientific contribution of  a prestigious partner that is the Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economy and Technology of the University of Padua
We therefore present you the Venue, that will open in the Bo’ Palace, the  historical building of the University  and  will follow in the modern  Levi Casses Center  with its excellent team that will give us their organizational and scientific support during our event.

The Bo Palace – University of Padua

The Ancient Archive Hall

The Main Hall – Aula magna – in which Gallileo Galilei lectured from 1592 to 1610

The Levi Casses Center

Porta Portello

Levi Casses Center – Conference room

The Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economy and Technology – University of Padua


Founded in 1222, the University of Padua is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious universities, which has always enjoyed a large and vibrant international community of staf, students and alumni.

Today, it is made up of 32 departments and eight schools. Padua is part a network of historical research universities known as the Coimbra Group.

The university houses the oldest surviving permanent anatomical theatre in Europe, dating from 1595 and ever since has been one of the most prestigious in the country for its contributions to scientific and scholarly research.  Its long history has hosted many illustrious figures, including Galileo Galilei, who taught here for 18 years and whose chair is preserved in the Sala dei Quaranta.

For 2023, in World Best Global Universities Rankings, the University of Padua is ranked as the 1st place institution in Italy, taking 43rd place in Europe and the world’s 115th .

On November 28 the Conference will open in the historical  building of  the  Bo Palace,  the main campus of the University of Padua, located in the city’s historical center (on Via VIII Febbraio 2).

The Opening session will be followed by two  Plenary sessions in two magnificent historical Rooms “The Aula Magna” and the  “Ancient Archive Room” (see photo).

For the  second and third days of the conference the sessions will be held in the modern buildings of the Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economy and Technology,   in the Portello area on the “naviglio“, one of the channels that connects Padua to Venice.

The meeting rooms are well-equipped with up to date technology, very latest facilities and free wireless connection to provide a highly professional welcome for to their guests. Their modern structures allow to set up many general and concurrent sessions.

Bo Palace – Giò Ponti Hall

The wooden chair of Galileo Galilei

Bo Palace ancient Courtyard

Bo Palace inner courtyard seen from above

Levi Casses Center – conference room

Bo Palace – the Hall of medicine



Contact us

Conference Secretariat:

Phone: +39.06.3227367;
e-mail: aiee@aieesymposium.eu; assaiee@aiee.it