8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security

– the energy crisis, the impact on the transition –

Padua, 28-30 November 2024

8th AIEE Energy Symposium
Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security

– the energy crisis, the impact on the transition –

Padua, 28-30 November 2024

Who should attend

Academics Specializing in Energy Studies and Analysis
Economic Energy Risk and Derivatives Specialists
Electricity Pricing and Market Analysts
Electric and Utility Supervisors
Energy Company Executives and Managers
Energy Company Planners
Energy Consultants
Energy Environmental Analysts
Energy Journalists
Energy Policy Analysts
Energy Researchers
Energy Students
Geologists and Engineers
Governmental Employees in Energy Resource Planning
Company Executives
Operators in Public Institutions

Contact us

Conference Secretariat:

Phone: +39.06.3227367; e-mail: aiee@aieesymposium.eu